Sunday, March 8, 2009

We will be outside ALOT until June.

We've had some fabulous weather recently which means we've spent ALOT of time outside. Whether it's on the back patio, in the sandbox, in our driveway, at the park, or on a walk . . . we are outside. And we love it.

And now that we changed times again with Daylight Savings Time, it's light until 7pm so we can now add in a nightly family walk to our routine. The first one was tonight.

We spent hours at the park this weekend . . .

So, until the scorching weather hits, we'll be outside and loving life.


The Jacksons said...

Me too! I think I have tripled the amount of walking I do in a day in the last 2 weeks.

Teisha said...

I miss parks! My girls are crazy at parks and think it is funny to run away from me (in opposite directions). I need to find ones enclosed. You always do such cute pics!

Trisha said...

I totally feel the same way. Hurry, get out while you can! We are all slaves to the AC all summer long.