I was able to avoid the easter candy aisles . . . until this morning at Target. I got sucked in and bought a few of our favorites. I'm sure I'll be back for more when my candy jars are empty. And I know I'll be back the day after Easter to stock up at 50% off.
Really, how can you resist these two items? They are far better than the regular Reeses stuff. I think I need to go eat one now.

I love the Reeces Peanut butter eggs. They are so much better than plain peanut butter cups. I haven't tried the others before. I know Ontario is about an hour away from Orange, but you could always travel down with Wes and then come hang out with me in Orange. We could hit up Disneyland or something!
Have you had butterfinger eggs? Oh my goodness I can eat bags and bags and bags. I love Easter candy. I was at target today and picked up a bag and was so proud of myself when I set it back down a couple aisles later :).
Ps I'd love to see you while am out here!
It is such a love/hate relationship. We try not to have very many treats, but easter candy is the best. A shout out to the cadbury eggs!!!
There is definitely something about the shaped peanut butter cups. I'd much rather eat the easter egg, heart, or christmas tree than the plain jane one.
I also have a weakness for the speckled m&ms and cadbury eggs.
Sure glad that the peanut butter scare from Georgia hasn't affected your love of Easter candy!
It's ALL good!
I heart Easter candy too. It's may fav as well. I dipped into my precious (and now smaller) grocery budget and splurged on jelly beans, sweet tart chicks/bunnys and malt eggs yesterday.
The Dr. told me Daisy needs to put on some lbs...do you think he had Easter candy in mind?
Those eggs are like the best treat in the world. The chocolate to pb ration is way better than the usual cups. And you know they're always super fresh since they're seasonal. YUM!
I laughed when I read your question, because it's the same question I ask myself everyday about YOU! "How do you do it all with an 18 month old?" (All the normal mom stuff, plus work, plus your many creative projects!)
I assure you, Olivia is anything but cooperative when I'm trying to get things done. Despite all of the fun things we've done, the minute I'm trying to get something productive done, it's like she flips on her "needy switch" and whines and complains till I play with her again.
It is so frustrating, but I do several things to keep her entertained. We sing a lot of songs (ie. while making the bed or sorting laundry), we turn on music and dance while working, sometimes when I'm feeling extra patient, I let her pretend she's cleaning (ie. I give her the duster and cleaner and let her do it, or give her things to load into the dishwasher). And whenever I'm cooking, I give her a plastic bowl and spoon and let her sit on the counter by me and "stir." The other saving grace of mine is our backyard. It is far from special, but we have a little swingset, some buckets and shovels, and a toy car. I just keep the screen closed and the door open and let her play. There is a locked gate, and I can always hear her, so I know she's safe.
I try to get most of my "list stuff" done early in the morning when she's happy, content, and eating breakfast. And then I get a lot done while she's napping (which is only for 1 hr. 30 min. these days...ugh.)
Trust me, we certainly have our bad days, but everything seems so much easier to accomplish with my new weekly list!
Easter candy is definitely the most superior holiday candy - we've had cadbury eggs around our office all week!
I'm glad I'm not alone. I swear I have an addiction and I'm trying to quit and it's making it worse! PLUS...girl scout cookies just came in. I'm doomed!
What? Lindsay loves candy? I had no idea.
Okay, you really need to make a new post. Every time I come to this page, I see the pictures and immediately head to the kitchen for my own Reese's egg. Please! Stop the madness! I don't have the strength to stop on my own.
I love the Reese's's Peanut Butter egss! So yummy!
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