I'm a college sports fan which means I enjoy March Madness basketball. Wes will have it on our TV every minute he's home until we know the National Champion. And when it's March Madness - I'm OK with that many hours of sports.
And it's nice knowing the Cougars won yesterday in my home town. Wes is going to the BYU game tonight against San Diego. Sorry UNLV fans, but I'm kinda glad that the Rebels lost. I won't get in to my frustration on their home court advantage every year because this year that didn't seem to matter.
Nate is wearing his BYU t-shirt today to wish the Cougars good luck tonight. {really, it's because I need to do his laundry}.
And a side note, Nate's last day of tumbling was this morning and Miss Tiffany let them have a "play day" with a new fun toy that all the kids loved. Nate and Hadley like to hold hands - as you can tell in these pictures.
He's getting so big Linds! I can't believe it. I have been so out of the blogging world in the last month....or two. I was going to have you switch the invite to my email, instead of Jay's, since I'm rarely logged in and forget to check the happenings of your fun little life. (katie.j.monson@gmail.com). I might even make a trip to Vegas in a few weeks. I haven't been there in almost a year!! Ahhh! Maybe we could do some Rio for lunch or hit the park one day if you're free. I'd love to see you!
Seriously, that boy of yours is becoming such a CUUUUUUUTIE. I mean, honestly, he was darling before, but oh, he is oh so cute. And the holding hands - so tender and even greater that you caught it on tape...
Although I won't be showing this to Claire, she might get a teensy bit jealous.
And I am completely and utterly agreeing with you about the Easter candy... I've been purposely avoiding those aisles, but I might just have to give in now... especially with the reese's ones too.
Let's hope he doesn't grow up and develop a serious interest in ballet....
Lindsay, that post about UNLV losing made my heart hurt:( j/k Nate is a very cute BYU fan.
booo cougars.
So cute! He's a GREAT Cougar!!!! Sorry about the result!
You'll die when I tell you where I found the rug! It's from TARGET of all places. Back in January, I was walking through the store, and suddenly caught a glimpse of it and stopped dead in my tracks. It's super thick, and 100% wool, so I figure I'm safe. It's just a matter of time before I have it in my family room. It's SO bright and fun! Plus, it's only like $400, so I won't feel too guilty if I want to replace it in a few years. :)
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