Sunday, June 3, 2007

Our Beginning.....Finally in a Book

Ever since I can remember, I've written in a journal. I found one from the 5th grade a few months ago and I have journals and journals of my life since then. I always enjoy going back to read about my life and the events that have taken place. Because journals tend to be a little more personal....I also enjoy scrapbooking....even if I'm really far behind right now! My goal is to be as caught up as I'm ever going to be before the little guy arrives so I can focus on his life.

My first goal is finally complete (it only took me 4 years)! While I have a great wedding album that our photographer designed and assembled of our wedding, I wanted more of a scrapbook to go along with it that included bridal showers, a party for Wes, a girls weekend and the actual wedding day. I had programs & other items that needed a home as well so I finally finished Wedding Book #2 a few weeks ago. Here are a few of the pages:

The second book I finished a few weeks ago was how Wes & I met and our dating lives. It takes us through our initial our engagement....the wedding....the honeymoon....and ends with us buying our first home in Utah. Thank goodness I have such a detailed journal of the beginning of our life made doing this book 4 years later pretty easy. It was so fun to read through and remember all of the good times that dating brings. I'm so glad I finally have it all in a book!

I have way too much to do to spend a lot of time on each page which explains why some of these are so plain! I'm excited to be caught up so I can put more time in to my pages from now on. I have half a room in my house dedicated to crafts and scrapbooking which makes it easy to see what I have & I have easy access to all of my supplies. I'm hoping to be able to dedicate more time to scrapbooking in the next year or so. We'll see!


Bella Beginnings said...

Good Job!!! Oh to be so caught up, I fear it will NEVER happen, but I will try and be optimistic!

Kelsey said...

You call that plain? Are you out of your mind? You've always been crafty and talented and I knew your scrapbooks would be just like that. I love it! Want to do some for me? =) ha ha

mrs. timberlake said...

I have a great idea... I will fly you down here and get me caught up! You can stay with Mimi. Done deal. Lindsay, I agree... those are NOT plain. Very cute. You are on the right track with getting "caught up" -- ! :) I fear I might just have to print the girls blog and call that their scrapbook.

Lillie said...

Seriously--- I you just TRYING to make me feel bad about myself??? that's PLAIN??? You're like a scrap-book expert! And you're caught up!! You're never supposed to be "caught up". I've never even touched our pre-married pictures. Oh goodness. You never cease to amaze miss Lindsay.

Lillie said...

"ARE" you, not "I" you. oops.

Trisha said...

Oh good, now that you're caught up you can get started on mine!

The Skeehan Family said...

OOH OOH! And while you are working on Amy's... since you are at my house and all, you can make me a "plain" one too!!! I'd take one of those any day!! I think me at my best is still not as good as your idea of plain.