Monday, June 11, 2007

Who's Next?

Hopefully, no one.

The Marz reunion went really well ~ we were glad all of our preparations paid off! I will write more about that later but I had to post our current situation, first. My immediate family is spending the rest of the week in Utah at my parent's house in Draper. As of last night, we weren't sure how long we'd last.

It all started on Saturday when Ali started feeling REALLY sick in the morning at the family reunion. After a quick trip to the ER b/c she was so dehydrated from losing so many fluids (and we wanted to make sure the baby was OK), she returned still very sick but she was a trooper. By about 10pm that night, the bug was passed along to Tripp and he puked all night. I felt so bad for these two....being that sick and camping at a big event that you're in charge of? Not fun.

Sunday night, after we made it to the Draper house, Kyle (my 9 year old nephew) started feeling really sick. It wasn't long until he puked.

We thought it was maybe just going to stay with the Thompsons but Wes and I had a wake-up up call this morning with Sam. She was the next victim. About an hour later, it became my turn. This bug that is being passed around is absolutely awful. It's not just your typical "I'm sick". It literally takes over your body and until it leaves you're just miserable. My main problem is that I can't get comfortable. I've been in bed all day & my little guy has not stopped moving around which makes me even more nauseous. I can't wait until my turn is over & I really hope it stops with me. I really hope that little 18-month Abbie doesn't get it. That could be the saddest thing, ever!

I do have to tell one funny story. I got myself up this morning to be a part of a conference call we needed to have with a client. About half-way through, all I could hear is Sam puking in the background. I hope the client didn't hear that. :)


Alisha said...

I'm sorry to hear about the sickness! Sounds awful. Hope you all feel better soon!

Kelsey said...

It never fails on vacation- everyone or at least someone has to get deathly ill! Make sure you are keeping hydrated, too. Be real careful! Get better soon and eat saltines and 7-up! THe old fashioned cure all.

laurel said...

Oh no!! I have never had anything like that happen to me. I hope you all get better soon!

Alyssa Griffeth said...

You poor things!!! We hope it passes quickly! Being sick on vacation is the WORST. I just got sick last night too, but after reading your blog, my pitty party (for myself) has ended! Mine is nothing compared to what you guys have! Feel better. :-)

Lillie said...

yuck yuck yuck! SO sorry you had to suffer such an awful thing at a family reunion! What a bummer. Glad to hear it's passed (in the next post). I've heard a lot of stuff like that going around. Isn't that a winter thing? What's going on?!