I love my Canon Digital Rebel camera. However, it's rather large & not always the most convenient thing to haul around. I love taking pictures & so I'm looking in to getting a small digital camera that I can pretty much have with me at all times to capture those moments that you "just wish you had on camera."
I am trying to find a camera that will also do short videos. Does anyone have a small digital camera that they love? How about one that has a short delay between hitting the button and actually taking the picture?
I guess another question is....does anyone have a camera they don't like? I'll avoid that one. :)
Well, no.1 - I want that big fat camera. I've been wanting a really nice camera since my newest obsession has been photography, but figure I should probably stick to buying furniture for the new house. Sad, but true. and no. 2 the Cannon powershot is really good. It's super small and takes great pictures and small videos - like 1 minute or so. Hope that helps.
I have the Nikon Coolpix and HATE it!
I would love a big camera like yours! However, I do love my little camera because it's always in my purse. I got it last year for my birthday and I LOVE it! It's an HP Photosmart M425. I'm usually not a big HP kid, but the pictures always have such great color. It also takes small videos.
I have the powershot as well and it gets the job done. I was hating lugging my HUGE camera around, too and my research pointed me to that. You can look up other peoples opinions on www.eopinions.com and amazon.com has some great reviews. good luck
Tripp likes our camera. You'll need to get the details from him.
We have the canon powershot too... it's small, takes great pictures and easy to use :)
I too have the Canon powershot- but I originally got it because it has such a big screen to view pictures and the click to picture time is really short. You hold down the button and it focuses and then it snaps the picture really quickly when you touch the button. We bought it because AJ suggested it and he was working in the camera department at BestBuy!
I have the kodak easy share 6.1... I love it and it has lots of great features... not great for distance shots, but great for all those "just have to have your camera there" it also does videos.
I guess I will pipe up and represent the SONY ______. Not sure what the style is. But, it looks like I can't compete with the Canon powershot. AND, their commercials are so fun.
Please tell me you love your RebelXT. I can't live without mine!
We got a few months ago the KODAK EasyShare Z612 and it ROCKS!!! It is 6.1MP with 12x zoom and 2.5" screen. It also does really impressive video shots as well.
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