Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hodge Podge of Posts

We're back from our Utah vacation. Wes came back on Wednesday night and I flew in late Friday night. I had the option of driving home with either my parents or Ali/Tripp on Saturday but sitting is rather uncomfortable for me these days so I opted to fly home on Friday night instead. It was a nice week with my family but as always, it's nice to be home.

I'll post pictures of our week in Utah once I get them off my camera and my sister's cameras, but for now, here's a hodge podge of posts...

My little sister, Sam, turned 24 on Saturday. She was in Utah with her friends so I'm sure she had a great day. Sam is one of my favorite people & I thouroughly enjoy her friendship. Growing up, no one ever thought we'd ever be great friends, let alone friends at all, but she has definitely become one of my dearest friends. We have a great time together. She's funny, creative, talented & very generous. Hope you had a great day, Sam!

I love this place. Some find it overwhelming, but I love all of the ideas I get! Prior to this week, I had only been in Ikea once in Phoenix but they recently opened one in Draper, Utah so I got to go there while we were in Utah (I was there 3 times, actually!). I managed to have quite a bit of self-control. There are a few rooms in our house that I would like to work on/re-do so I'll have to go back in the fall or winter with some measurements before I buy anything else. Wes & I did manage to find a dresser for the nursery which I'm thrilled about. I just hope it fits and that it looks OK! I would love for one to open in Vegas.

On Friday afternoon I could feel my ankles and feet starting to swell. And boy, were they HUGE by the time I made it to the sweltering desert of Las Vegas. I went from no swelling to huge feet in a matter of hours. It's better today but I still have cankles! Yikes!

I have the crib. I have a dresser/changing table. And our chair came in this week so now I'm officially ready to put the nursery together! I know many of you have adorable nurseries so if you don't mind sending me pictures of you're great ideas, I'd love it! I don't have a theme or anything....just lots of stuff that I like and I'm hoping that somehow it all comes together. :)

There are two things that most people tell us to do before August. 1). Sleep in 2). Go out to dinner. I guess these are two things that don't happen as often once the little guy comes! So, we've been taking their advice. I slept in yesterday morning until about 8:30 and still didn't feel like getting up so I laid in bed and read my book! I have to say that it was wonderful. Since I wasn't planning on coming home until Sunday, I didn't have to be anywhere on Saturday morning so it was a nice relaxing morning at home before we ran endless errands all afternoon.

And last but not least, Happy Fathers Day! I am blessed with a wonderful, goofy, talented and extremely generous dad who I am so thankful for. I lucked out with a wonderful father-in-law, as well. He is such a great example for Wes and I.
Happy Fathers Day also to my "soon-to-be-a-dad" husband, Weston! Can't wait to see you with your little guy. Thanks for everything you do for me. Love you, babe.


Lillie said...

Love the hodge podge. You look so cute and tan in that picture with your sis. Sorry about the cankles. Welcome to the end of the lovely journey we call pregnancy.

Trisha said...

I don't know if you remember, but at my baby shower I could only wear slip on shoes. The last several months of my pregnancy I couldn't wear any of my regular shoes at all. Don't worry, the cankles will be short lived.

mrs. timberlake said...

Oh Lindsay... I don't mean to out you here on your blog... but us size 11ers have a real dilemma with the swelling. My feet wouldn't fit ANY of my shoes, not even flip flops. There aren't size 12 ANYTHING less than $30, so the Men's Shoe Dept of Target was where I could be found the last few weeks. Who cares about the weight loss, I was so thrilled to just see my ankles again!

Alisha said...

I still hope to be as good as you at blogging one day. Maybe when I get a laptop...I doubt it! Love it!

Anya said...

That is great- cankles. That is a guilty pleasure actually, watching pregnant women lose their ankles, it makes me feel better about my own cankle problems back then. It's like...what a relief- I am not the only one who looked so ridiculous (no offense)! Can't wait to see 'em!