Sunday, May 20, 2007

I got my house back

Maybe this only happens to me.....but when I'm out of town for a while, my house suffers. I was gone for a full month of weekends as well as being in New York for over a week during that period of time. My house definitely took a beating.

It was a crazy month so I didn't necessarily take the time to make room for things or put them completely away. There were way too many piles waiting for things to be reorganized so they'd actually have somewhere to go. We managed to clean regularly but it was pretty cluttery with piles of stuff. Clutter drives me crazy after a while.

As of last weekend, I had about had it. I couldn't handle it anymore & it was like I had unlimited energy for over a week. I went a little crazy with the organizing and cleaning. I couldn't sit down! I re-organized most closets, cupboards, the pantry, drawers, the baby's closet, my scrapbook stuff, etc. There are still a few more things to re-organize but I got a great start. My Saturdays were filled with cleaning & my week nights were spent organizing. I looked forward to coming home after work to clean something else out. Usually I don't have a ton of energy when I get home but last week was an exception. I was on an organization rampage & I loved every minute of it.

I have plenty of things on this week's list but I have a little busier week so we'll see how much I get done. They say you get a nesting instinct when you get close to having a baby. That's the only thing I can think of that explains my recent behavior. :)

I'm glad to have my relatively organized house back!


Alisha said...

Sounds like the nesting has begun...As I got closer to my due date I was able to get so many projects done around the house...I had the urge to organize and clean! Enjoy it while it lasts!

Ali said...

Yep...that's nesting. It won't last.

Bella Beginnings said...

you are definately nesting!!! he he he. i went through it both times so far. It is crazy. I also have a lot of energy about 3 months before I deliver. I feel my best and get so much done. Enjoy this time as you will soon want to do nothing but sit on the couch and watch movies as your feet are too swollen and your body is too tired!

mrs. timberlake said...

"proportionate" --That's Tony's word.... nice eh?