When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child. ~Sophia Loren
I want to wish all of you moms a Happy Mothers Day! I thought this quote was appropriate because a mom truly thinks of her children before herself. We had a wonderful sacrament meeting today on the role of mothers and one of the speakers pointed out that "others" is the majority of the word mothers. Isn't that what motherhood is all about? Others.
I especially want to say Happy Mothers Day to two special women in my life.
I'll start with my wonderful mom, Barbara.

If I had to sum her up in one word....it would be unselfish. She is constantly helping not only her own family and children but her friends, people in her ward who are in need, etc. Her thoughts are always consumed with others & how she can make their lives easier. She is so generous with her time and everything she has been blessed with and it's a true example to me. Not only is she a fabulous mom, but she's also an unbelievable daughter. She is so patient with my grandma and spends about a week of every month in Utah so she can spend time with my Grandma who turned 90 this year. I strive to be as good of a daughter to my mom as she is to her mom.
My mom is also full of spunk. She has a great personality and is always ready for a good time. One thing people always comment on is that she's always so put together. Unlike me, she looks great regardless of where she is! There is no such thing as rolling out of bed and going somewhere. She's always so fashionable!
I am so fortunate to live so close to my mom. I see her regularly which I consider a blessing! She shares her talents with me regularly and I can't wait for my kids to get to know & love her!
The second lady I'd like to talk about is my mother-in-law, Doreen.

I definitely lucked out with my in-laws. They are such wonderful people! Especially my mother-in-law. She is unbelievable. She is currently a principal of an elementary school in Marietta, Georgia & since she has been the principal, her school has been recognized as a National School of Excellence. She is the perfect example of how important education is....she received her doctorate a few years ago! She has had such a positive impact on thousands of children....including her own. I've known Wes for almost 5 years and I can honestly say that every single time I've seen or talked to her, she is always happy and positive. Regardless of how crazy her schedule is, she is always happy which I admire in her. Wes & I are so glad to have her as a resource for our children! She knows so much on child development & how we can teach them to do so many things at home. She is a wonderful mom and Grandma & I hope she had a wonderful day!
Happy Mothers Day! How lucky we are to be blessed with mothers.
So fun. I just love Barb! Everything you said is so true. You will be such a great mom Linds - it's the best thing ever. And you will love that your mom is so close. I'm always missing mine.
Lindsay, I noticed the book you were reading... It reminded me to mention my two favorites on the subject. The Happiest Baby on the Block and Baby Wise. I am SURE you have heard of these... but just wanted to mention them. I am all about the swaddle and the schedule. Just ask Mimi.
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