Friday, September 16, 2011

Ryan: 18 months old

Mr. Ryan turned 18 months while we were at the beach . . .

ryan big smile closeup (1 of 1)


. He is full of personality, that’s for sure. 

. When he runs around his arms are always flailing around.

. He’s funny with his words.  He can say quite a few but chooses not to.  A few weeks ago we were driving and Nate just started saying . . . “Ryan, can you say _____?”  And he said every word.   The only words we hear often are: mom, dad, gum, out, up, binky, doggie, please, juice.

. He is a total binky boy.  If he had it his way, he’d have one in his mouth and one in each hand all of the time.  The day is soon coming where they will only be allowed in his bed. 

. He loves treats.  He can spot a piece of candy from a mile away.

. He weighs the same at 18 months as he did at 12 months [26 lbs].  But he grew.  Which means he’s thinned out a lot.  Still a big dude, but not quite as chunky.

. He loves babies.

. He’s got a really nice side that gives big bear hugs.  And then he’s got a really naughty side that will whack you with a metal spatula if you’re not careful.

. He likes Nate when Nate is nice to him & they play together.  But Ryan is a pretty happy camper when he’s the only one in the house.

. He’s a pretty good sleeper these days [at least at night].  His one nap a day ranges from 1 hour to 2.5 hours.  He is usually in bed by 630pm and wakes up between 6:30am-7am.

. He begs and whines for me to turn the TV on but he never watches it.  If he randomly wants to watch it he has to be sitting on my lap.

. He loves books.

. He’s a bizarre eater.  He either eats a lot or nothing at all.  His favorites are mac & cheese, cheese, fruit, noodles, french fries, yogurt with granola, pizza, Café Rio & any beverage.

. He loves to be outside – playing in dirt, riding on or in things or playing t.ball.

. He is still such a cuddler!  He gives me big Ryan hugs all day long and always wants to sit in my lap or lay on my shoulder.

. Now that my hair is longer – he hates it when it gets in his way when he’s trying to lay down on me or give me a hug.  He always gives me the same disgusted look and moves it.

. Whenever we drive past Café Rio – he points and yells rather loud letting us know he wants to eat there.

. He has decided he wants to go potty like Nate on the toilet.  Well, kind of.  Every time he notices anyone in the bathroom, he pulls up his shirt and sticks his hips out like he’s ready to go, too.  He has yet to pee on the potty but he certainly tries to be like his big brother. 

. Whenever I’m holding him and we come in contact with anyone, he pats my chest like . . . “this is my mom.  don’t take me away from her.”

. He certainly has his challenging moments but this kid is one big ball of fun.  His personality is hilarious and he makes us laugh.

ryan playing beach tennis (1 of 1)

ryan playing in the sand (1 of 1)

ryan with sandy fruit snack (1 of 1)

ryan on beach chair 2 (1 of 1)


Doreen Griffeth said...

What a boy! So glad he is part of the family! Thanks for the updates. I love hearing what he likes and what he is doing.


Alisha said...

I wish we got to see him more often. He is such a cute/funny kid.

Laurel said...

love it. He and Justin would be two peas in a pod!