Saturday, September 10, 2011


Sometimes you just have to tell it like it is.

[disclaimer: i love ryan. he makes me smile every day & i love his quirky, full of energy personality & i know this phase will end - BUT - he's driving me crazy.]

We've all heard the term "mama's boy" but Ryan takes these words to an entirely new level. If you watch this video you'll see what we all get to experience when he doesn't have my undivided attention. It sounds a little something like this . . . ""

. He wants me in his sight always.

. He wants me to be holding him, holding his hand, or sitting right next to him always.

. He will run to the love sac or the play room and pat the floor, telling me to come sit there.

. When we're not at home doing something really fun he leaves "mom mode" and has a good time. Which is why we leave alot.

. Luckily he does well with my mom on Wednesdays and he has fun with a babysitter. But one babysitter tells me that every time Ryan sees my picture on the collage wall he tears up!

I know it's just a phase but it's a hard one for me. He has such a cute and fun personality but lately he just whines and cries for me constantly. I sometimes want to lock myself in a closet with ear plugs so I can escape the "i want my mom" noise for just 5 minutes.

I often wonder why I can't seem to make dinner regularly . . . my house isn't entirely decorated yet . . . and I can't seem to stay on top of much. But I have my answer - and his name is Ryan. I still adore you, little Ryan but you're driving me bonkers!


mrs. timberlake said...

hee hee. i don't miss that stage.

at least you know he loves you... it could be worse. :)

Alisha said...

Just a phase...he'll be Mr. Independant before you know it! What a boy!

J-Leav said...

Lindsay. Lindsay. Lindsay! LINDSAY!! Lindsay.

Loved it :) I know it's hard to be in, but it sure is fun to watch from the out!

The Roe Family said...

Ryan is so much like Chase. The mom phase wore off but Chase is still a whiner. I hope this phase doesn't last long. Tell Nate we say hi.

Ali said...

Maybe he is starting to remember all those "Ryan Free" trips and exacting his punishment? Or maybe he just has a super jazzy mom that he loves to pieces. Someday you'll have a teenager and you'll miss this.

I'll take a little of it for awhile.....

Doreen Griffeth said...

Wow! You know that you are LOVED for sure!!!

Melissa Snyder said...

That stage is hard, especially when you are a momma's boy. We have been there and done that. Just a phase and you will be missing it once it is gone. Maybe!

The Skeehan Family said...

honestly, we neeeeeeeed to get them together. you know who I'm talking about.

and ps, griselda had a ring tone that was someone saying mama, mama, MAMA, MAMA over and over! It was hilarious - typifies this stage completely. Don't think I'll be uploading it anytime soon though as we have the real thing :) said...

Love it!