Sunday, September 18, 2011

Nate is FOUR.

nate four fingers (1 of 1)


I can’t believe he’s four.  Four just seems old to me . . . like it’s the transition year where they turn from a little toddler to a big kid.  I’ve also heard that four is typically a good year.  I’m excited.

He’s a funny little man – a little hard for me to describe in words.  He’s a boy of extremes – we typically either get really fun and nice and caring or really grumpy.  Occasionally there’s an in-between.

But he loves life and has an imagination and curiosity that is just plain fun to watch.


Here’s more about the Naters at FOUR:

. He creates all day long.  He’s constantly wanting to tie things together or make something out of random things around the house.  He’s always asking for string.  I love to see what he comes up with. 

. He has an artistic side that loves to paint and draw.  He’s kind of over coloring books – he’d rather paint or draw his own picture.

. He craves structure – loves to do activities.

. Has recently developed a love for legos.  We have a bin of the small legos we get out when Ryan is asleep!

. He will try just about anything once.  Except for his Papa Marz’ smelly fish salad.  I don’t blame him on that one.

. Speaking of smells, he’s got a serious smeller [just like me and his Aunt Ali].  He smells EVERYTHING immediately.  He is obsessed with the smell of cilantro. Every time I cook with it he stands in the kitchen and just smells it for at least 20 minutes.

. He loves to learn at school.  He’s constantly singing songs or showing me what he learned that day.

. He’s super athletic.  He has especially great eye-hand coordination.  He loves baseball, tennis & soccer.

. He’s still my right-hand-man when it comes to yard work.

. We’ve officially entered the world of super heroes.  His two favorites right now are Batman and Spiderman.  It’s pretty fun to see the make believe that goes on when I have little boys over here playing super heroes.

. He’s typically pretty happy and then all of a sudden something will happen [it usually means he didn’t get his way or something came up that was unexpected] and he’s GRUMPY. 

. He doesn’t seem to care at all what other kids think of him. 

. He’s not always the nicest guy on the block.  I think he has good intentions . . . just doesn’t realize that he can be mean sometimes!

. It’s been interesting to watch him as a big brother.  He generally loves Ryan and tries to include him in play time.  But he also has the typical reaction to Ryan as the “annoying little brother who ruins everything I’m doing.”  I have to say, the sibling thing is a fun & hair-pulling experience!

. He’s a pretty good eater.  He likes a lot of things a lot of kiddos typically don’t like.  While he LOVES treats and candy, he regularly asks for an apple or pear as a snack!

. He’s quirky, funny & particular.

. He’s pretty excited that he’s four.  He’s caught on that he’s been getting to wear new clothes lately because the 3 year old shirts aren’t long enough anymore.  So every morning when he gets dressed, he asks . . . “is this a  four year old shirt?”  [but he wore 18 month/2year swimsuits all summer because anything bigger wouldn’t stay up on his tiny waste!]

. He can be a worrier sometimes.

. He doesn’t show a ton of remorse when he does something wrong.  I hope he grows out of this before he’s a teenager.

. He’s a BYU fan and loves cheering for the Cougars.

. He’s a string bean but is starting to get the strong thighs like his dad.

I love this dude.  And I love this age.  Yes, I want to pull my hair out half the time and Wes and I feel like we’re constantly saying . . . “well, how do we handle that?” but it’s FUN and he’s quite a ham.  I love the excitement he has about everything he gets to do.  Being his mom sure is great.


While we were at the beach, I took just him down to the beach after dinner one night to attempt some 4 year old pictures.  I think we at least captured some of his personality!

N is for nate (1 of 1)

nate growling (1 of 1)

nate laying on beach (1 of 1)

nate mr. serious (1 of 1)

nate sideways (1 of 1)

nates cute face (1 of 1)

naters (1 of 1)

nate sitting on the beach (1 of 1)

nate classic face  (1 of 1)

nate dancing (1 of 1)

nate hands in the air (1 of 1)

nate is mr. handsome (1 of 1)

nate walking in the water (1 of 1)

nate walking down the beach (1 of 1)

nate twirling (1 of 1)


mrs. timberlake said...

Wow! I am stunned by how much of a liitle man he looks like in these pics! And the personality is shouting through; you captured it well :).

J-Leav said...

I love the shots of his beach tai-chi/kung fu. So very Nate! Love that little kid

Andrus Family said...

He's probably the cutest 4 year old around!!!

Doreen Griffeth said...

How did these get by me??? I LOVE these pictures and information about Nate! What a boy! Thanks for all the detail!

Julie T. said...

Great pictures of Nate! So handsome:)