- He is a really good eater. He loves his milk. He pretty much falls asleep every time but will sometimes still eat while he's asleep. It's hard for me to hold him sometimes because he smells my milk and all he wants to do is eat!
- His days and nights are totally mixed up. He'll give me a good stretch during the day but is a terrible sleeper at night. He no longer gets his long naps during the day in an attempt to get him to sleep at night. Wes and I are exhausted.
- He does not like his crib. We're trying to get him to sleep in there but he's not a big fan.
- He doesn't like to be swaddled. He wants his hands free.
- He's kinda fussy late at night.
- He's my little chunkster.
- During the day he's a really good baby.
- He poops all of the time & loves to pee when his diaper is off. He even peed on my friend Brooke's couch today as she was taking his picture. SORRY brooke.
- He is a strong little dude.
He went to the doc yesterday for his first check-up. Everything looks good - here are his stats:
- Weight: 9 lbs. 6.5 oz. 86% He only lost .5 ounces since his birth weight! Like I said, he's my chunkster.
- Height: 22 inches 95%
- Head: 75%
We love this kid.
We LOVE this kid, too, ALREADY! Can't wait to see him! Keep working on the bed! I know you can turn this kid around! He is so cute with his brother, Nate!
Thanks for sharing! I know this is the last thing you need to be doing!
Don't give up on getting a good night's rest...hang in there. Keep the pictures coming!
i was hoping and hoping for an update and here it is!
i love that after six days he is already telling you so much.
(i think you'll end up liking the newborn stage afterall)
what a beautiful little baby!!! congrats! good luck with two. it's not all that bad. ;) we love you guys! :D
Lindsay congratulations!! He's so perfect--- and I'm so glad that he's big and healthy and maybe once he gets past the day/night confusion in the beginning... he'll be a good sleeper because of it. I hope you have smooth sailing with this one. I'm so excited for you--- he's beautiful!
He is so cute! They change so much the first couple of weeks.
I hope that you get the day/night schedule turned around. They usually do after awhile and life is little bit better. Hope you guys get some sleep.
His cheeks are wonderfully kissable and he is soft and snuggly. I think that should have been a bullet point...
Congratulations on the cute chunkster! Thanks for inviting me to see your blog. I look forward to getting to know you and your family of 4.
that kid better watch out, because when i finally get my hands on him, i'm going to love the crap out of him!!! oh.my.goodness.
p.s. i hope the sleep thing works itself out soon. mia was the same way, and you're right...it's exhauuuuusting...
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