Saturday, February 20, 2010

introducing RYAN.

ryan m. griffeth

Born on February 18, 2010 at 2:37pm
9 pounds 7 ounces
22 inches long

Let me start by saying that we absolutely adore our little baby boy. He’s been so good so far. And I have to say going on round two with a newborn is much easier than the first go-around! I think it also helps that Ryan is a little more laid back than his big bro. Which means his mom is a little more laid back, too.

Here’s the long story of the arrival of Ryan . . .

7:00am: My mom arrives at my house to wait for Nate to wake up. She is taking care of him while we’re at the hospital.

7:30am: Wes and I check in to St. Rose Hospital where I get hooked up to all of the machines to start the induction.

8:30am: Pain is starting to come but I’m not dilating and he’s still really far up there.

10am: Broke my water to try to get labor going a little faster.

10:30am: Contractions are coming . . . still far apart but they are painful.

11:00am: Contractions are getting closer together and are killing me but I’m still at a 3.

Noon: Epidural man is called – can’t take the pain anymore.

12:30pm – my hero walks in to the room with a big needle for my back. The epidural started to kick in but I was still feeling contractions so he came in and gave me more medicine and then life was good. Real good. By now I had made it to a 6.

1:15pm – I was feeling great, relaxing in my bed trying to get a little rest.

2:00pm – My nurse, Tiffany came in and asked if I was feeling any pressure down there. I told her no so she checked me and his head was literally ready to come out! Doctor Miller was called & I was told not to push.

2:15pm – Sam arrives just in time to witness the delivery.

2:20pm – Dr. Miller came in & got ready to delivery Nate. {at this point, the only pressure I was feeling was really high in my belly. He was positioned really funny in my belly – it looked like a big tumor!}

2:37pm – I pushed twice and he slithered on out!

I was a little hesitant to be induced but after pushing out a 9+ pound baby I was glad the doc recommended it. Since Sam is in nursing school – I provided her with a nursing experience and had her come in the room with us for Ryan’s delivery. It was fun to have her there!

As Ryan came out, my first thought was that he looks nothing like Nate other than they both have their dad’s “butt chin”. Then I immediately realized how big he was as he was kicking Dr. Miller. She commented that she’d never been kicked quite like that by a baby – and then called him a toddler due to his size. We were all shocked he didn’t weigh over 10 pounds. It’s amazing how big of a difference a few pounds makes on a newborn. Ryan doesn’t feel nearly as fragile & newborn-like as Nate did!

Because Ryan weighed a decent amount, he had to pass 3 blood sugar tests in the first 4 hours of his life. The nurses told me the best way for him to ensure a pass is to feed him. So he had his first feeding right after he was born and that’s when we discovered that our little boy LOVES to eat! He ate for a full 30 minutes on his first feeding. What a nice surprise that was for me. I’m not used to a newborn who likes to eat. Ryan latched right on and it was great. It definitely took a lot of the stress out of having a newborn. With all that eating came a lot of poop!

The first 24 hours of Ryan’s life were fabulous. Wes and I were able to enjoy our little dude and each other for a full day and it was kinda nice to sit and enjoy each other after the craziness we’ve had in the last few weeks. Plus we knew the “just hanging out with our baby” would end as soon as we got home to a crazy 2.5 year old. Plus, he pretty much slept for the first day of his life which was nice. We had an occasional cry but he was a very content baby!

How am I doing? Well, when you push out a 9 pound 7 ounce baby in 2 pushes, it’s bound to cause some damage down there so I’ll be dealing with that for a while. But Nate did the same thing to me so at least I was prepared this time. And holy cow – your uterus really contracts after delivering a second baby. Every time I feed Ryan it feels like I’m back in labor! But none of that seems to matter too much when I get to sit and cuddle with my little man.

Nate had a great time with my parent’s while we were at the hospital. Thanks to Kiley & Ali/Tripp for helping them out, too! We are very grateful for you all – we didn’t worry about Nate at all while we were gone.

A few hospital visitors . . . {Sam, how do I not have a picture of you?}

Leaving the hospital . . .

Nate’s reaction to baby Ryan coming soon . . .


Doreen Griffeth said...

Love ALL the pictures! You did great! Someday he will LOVE all the details of his birth! What a cutie! Thanks for sharing!

Alyssa Griffeth said...

What a DOLL! Those cheeks kill me! I wish we could see him in person!

Thanks for the update...We've been VERY anxious to see this sweet little boy! Congratulations, again!!!!

P.S.- CUTE carseat cover! :)

mrs. timberlake said...

Things I love:
The carseat cover. Let's just get that out in the open... it's perfect.

Wes's representation of Team USA during Olympics. Nice touch.

The fact you said a 9 plus pound baby slithered out after TWO pushes.

And I just want to give a shout out to Sam... for being in the room and having zero pictorial documentation of her presence. Sad, Sam... very sad.

The Roe Family said...

you totally made me baby hungry good thing i'll have a new baby in a couple months. happy to hear things are good. let me know when we can take nate again.

Becky Chatwin said...

So cute! Congratulations!

Melissa Snyder said...

He is so cute! Welcome to the world of large babies. I swear it makes all the difference in the world. Glad that your labor went well and that he came fast.
I love those chubby cheeks. I am sure Nate is loving every minute with his new brother.
Congratulations you guys! What a sweet baby! Best of luck with everything else.

Sammy said...

um its probably cause I was the one with the camera. And no one offered to take a picture of me because I wasn't allowed to hold him :)

Kelsey said...

That chin is So adorable! I cant believe you had a 9 lber! WOW! You seem to skinny for that! Glad it went well. Cant wait to hear how Nate reacted!

Andrus Family said...

Finally some pics - yeah! Love them - he really is a chubby little thing. Glad all is well and I can't wait to hear how Nate does with him. Welcome to a world with 2's crazy!

Street Fam said...

Congrats!!! 9 lbs. is huge!!! He is a darling boy!

Alisha said...

Love it! Enjoy the newborn stage...hopefully Ryan is a good boy for ya.

Adam and Bri said...

Congratulations! What a cutie. And I love all the pictures!

This post made me excited for my upcoming trip to the hospital. :)

Nikki, Cody, and Tessa said...

So beautiful, and so glad he's a good little/big baby.

Trisha said...

I love all the pictures and I'm glad things went well. Can't wait to meet him!

Amander said...

What a cute, big boy! I'm glad Sam was able to make it for the delivery - I know she wanted to so badly!

Katie said...

Congrats you guys! He is HUGE! I love it! Chunky babies are a dream if you ask me. :) You look great and I can't wait to hear about Nate welcoming the new brother. And great choice on the name. I love it! :) Hope the next few nights go smoothly for you all. Those first few weeks are a BLUR.

Crouch6 said...

He already has those squeezable cheeks. He is adorable. Congratulations guys!

Brooke said...

Ah! He is a doll!!! What a cutie! Congrats! Can't wait to see him in person!! You look wonderful too! Wow, so exciting :D

Julie T. said...

Oh, I love Dr. Miller! Ryan is a BIG baby!! He is so dang cute. It is always nice when they cooperate when eating and sleeping so I will pray for you that I keeps doing those things good for you. So excited for you and your little family. Glad that everything went well:)

The Skeehan Family said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pictures, especially since my phone never did let me see that one. He is just fantastic in every way. So very handsome. Mama, you did awesome.

So happy for you guys.

love you love you.

Anya said...

LOVING that carseat cover... clearly someone made it- but WHO?
Oh yeah- how dare you post a pic! I guess I had it coming...

Unknown said...

What a chunky little monkey!! I love his backrolls in the picture on the scale. Is is adorable. I can't wait to hear about Nate's reaction. Thanks for the play-by-play. I love hearing labor stories.

Unknown said...

P.S. Ryan...You or Wes' name? You've got to blog about how you came to a name. I love the wait until the hospital thing. Maybe we'll try it next time.

Tina said...

He is so cute and what a big little guy! I am glad that everything went well and that you are home and hopefully doing well. Lets hope you get more sleep that you did with Nate.

katierose said...

i am amazed that you already have posts on your blog! actually, i'm not amazed because you are superwoman! and this is just one of many things to prove it! ryan is such a cute chub!!! i can't wait to meet him in person. hows about i bring you dinner real soon?? CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Bella Beginnings said...

I am impresed and seriously 9lbs... you are amazing. I love the birth story. Thanks for sharing.
I love the name too :) Nice that he loves to eat. Get lots of rest. you look amazing! Congrats to you and your family.

Lillie said...

Those contractions were SOOO much worse with my second.. The ones while you nurse--- the worst!

Lillie said...

Those contractions were SOOO much worse with my second.. The ones while you nurse--- the worst!

Taralee said...

OH MY GOSH he is adorable!!!! Isn't it crazy to have such a big baby? Doing it natural I was glad I didn't knwo how big Chase was going to pop out. He was 9 4 and he had cheeks just like him. I LOVE the automatic chub :) Wow, how exciting!!!!