Once we named Ryan while we were at the hospital, my mom told Nate that the baby’s name is Ryan. Nate immediately said, “it’s not Ryan, it’s peanut butter.” He’s been calling the baby peanut butter for weeks.
We got released from the hospital and made it home late afternoon on Friday. We were home for about a half hour before my parent’s came over with Nate. Nate had a bouquet of tulips {thanks to my cute mom} to give me as he walked in. He immediately wanted to see peanut butter and give him a few outfits he picked out earlier that day with Grandma.
Nate is slightly obsessed with his little brother. He wants Ryan near him at all times. He sits by him at the dinner table. He wants Ryan to sit and watch “Buzz and Woody” with him. He wants to hold him. He wants to kiss him. He wants to carry him around the house. I’m going to have to keep a close watch on him, for sure.
When we first got home from the hospital - Nate really struggled with me feeding Ryan. He was hysterical. He kept saying "don't hurt mommy's boobies!" He obviously thought Ryan was hurting me or he was confused as to what was happening. Luckily he has gotten over it for the most part because he was really distracted all weekend by a fabulous dad.
I’m looking forward to seeing Nate & Ryan interact and become little buddies. It will be a transition and an adjustment but over time I think they’ll have a great time together.
Ryan meeting his big cousin, Abbie for the first time.
So fun to see the boys together! What fun you will be having! Hope you got some sleep last night!
Keep involving Nate as much as you can with helping with Ryan. It will help with jealousy issues...which hopefully you don't have!
I'm glad Nate's doing so well with Ryan! They are so cute together!
I absolutely love that Nate was concerned about your "boobies"!! That made me laugh out loud! Don't worry, they will be the best of buds soon enough. Glad you have lots of family around - it really helps!
What a cute little guy Nate is. I hope they become best buds.
you cannot hope for a better reaction than that... how awesome. that first picture with him holding ryan is perfect - you can just see the love in his eyes.
and love the booby comment :)
Just you wait and see, they will be the best of friends. The jealousy thing can be a common thing, only if you let it be. Because newborns sleep so much there is a lot of time you can focus on Nate. Hope all continues to go well. What a sweet baby! Hope you are feeling ok to Lindsay. What a cute family you have!
K, the "peanut butter" and the "boobies" comments are making my laugh! Too funny! Enjoy your two little boys! :)
Nursing is so confusing to little kids! That is such a funny comment by Nate. So glad he likes his little brother:)
So cute, these little kiddos! Keep the blog posts coming! (Even though I know you are exhausted!)
i think you should consider changing ryan's name to peanut butter. middle hame j. it has a nice ring. sounds like nate's reaction to ryan was A LOT better than mia's to george, which was "no mama hold baby george! grandma and papa take baby george home!" and i'm so glad that nate is so concerned with the state of your boobies. how truly BOY. love you guys!
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