My wonderful mother gave me an early baby present - she came over from 8am-noon today and we cleaned my house! Now that pretty much everything is put away (except for my office), the entire house got cleaned . . . even down to cleaning shutters and baseboards. Why is cleaning a lot more enjoyable when there's someone else around? Nate always does better, too because he's got multiple people to talk to and help clean. He was a trooper today - he enjoys cleaning! And what really made his morning is when Aunt Ali dropped off a Valentine with a big, yummy sucker. He kept it on the kitchen counter and went back to eat it all day long.
Now the goal is to keep my house clean so I come home from the hospital to a clean house! Still waiting for him to decide to leave the womb . . .
Your nest is complete!
Come on, Baby Griffeth!!!!!!!
I've been thinking a lot about you the last couple of days, just wondering if this baby is going to come or what?!??!!
You are so blessed! Cleaning is always a lot more fun with HELP!
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