Nate has turned in to quite the little chatterbox. He talks our ears off all day long and we love it. I love seeing his little brain work - coming up with new words, phrases & even sentences to tell us what he's thinkin.
My absolute favorite saying that I hear all day long is "tank-oo, mom." (thank you, mom). If I get him a drink, he says thank you. If I tell him he's handsome, he says thank you. When I put him in his carseat, he says thank you in the cutest little voice.
Yesterday after his nap we sat at his little table and colored for a bit. He stopped coloring, looked up at me and said, "mommy my best friend." That made my week - I love this kid.
Before I read the whole post - I thought he was trying to say Dang Cool, Mom. He is a cute little bugger :)
Isn't it funny how we forget all of the "naughty" stuff they do when they are so sweet? Gotta love kids and their constant mood swings!
Two year olds talking is just about the cutest thing ever!
Haha. I just read your post about our day at Cafe Rio. Lucky for me no salad ended up on me. I am sure it's just a phase, Tessa had a food throwing phase...and thank goodness it passed. I still think Nate is a cutie patootie. :)
OK, that just made me tear up! Must be the hormones ... :)
That is the sweetest thing ever!! What a cute boy:)
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