Today was interesting with my {2} year old little boy. I'm calling his behavior a phase with fingers crossed that it passes soon.
I'd been trying to get together with my friend Nikki (I went to highschool with her hubby) for a long time and it finally worked today. We met at a park and let the kiddos play. Nate and Tessa played pretty well . . . as long as Nate left her alone! All was good - we packed them up and headed to Cafe Rio for lunch. Nate was hungry. And probably tired. And a little sick of his mama trying to play catch up with a friend instead of giving him her full attention but we were doing alright. Then he started throwing things {a new behavior} so I got everything out of his reach. Or so I thought. We were done eating and he somehow grabbed my tostada tray and flung it around like a cowboy. Nate and I {and probably Nikki and Tessa} were COVERED in lettuce, rice, beans, dressing & a piece of Nate's quesadilla. You can imagine the stares we got with a few smiles from moms who totally understood. This is not typical behavior of the Naters but he's doing more and more stuff like this lately. So like I said - hopefully it's a phase and he remembers his manners soon. He knew he was in trouble when I dragged him to the car and we didn't get our usual Nielsen's i-cone afterwards. After a few minutes of silence in the car, he said, "sorry throw food, mom."
After lunch we ran to my friend Nancee's house so she could wax my eyebrows real quick. We come in smelling like Cafe Rio with clothes covered in mexican food. Seth was asleep so Nate played well by himself but then my prego nose started smelling something. 1). he took his smelly shoes off - his feet are STINKY in those shoes. And 2). he pooped. Not crazy behavior but poor Nancee was left with a mexican/smelly feet/poop smell as we walked out the door.
{side note: if anyone reading doesn't know about Nancee and her amazing waxing/facial abilities . . . call me! She's flexible with times and she's fabulous!}
It's one thing when your kid does things that only affect mom or dad. But today we certainly put on a show for Nikki & Nancee! And to think I'm doubling the trouble in February.
sorry Linds! I actually associated you with Mexican food earlier this week when Ryan came home from a resident dinner. It reminded me of our Los Hermanos days and how much we rieked whenever we came home from work.
I find this story absolutely hilarious.
I'll take her number. Ava is really, really far away for me (although I love her cold rocks!!!!)
You poor thing! Olivia creates embarassing moments like that for me all the time...ONE DAY you will think it's such a hilarious story! (Not yet though, I'm sure!)
At least he sat in SILENCE in the car and apologized. Olivia would NEVER do that! We're constantly trying to get her to say sorry-- She's just WAAAAY too stubborn!
Anyway, at least you got to have a yummy lunch and manicured eyebrows.
These are the days when I LOOOOOVE naptime!
I love how he said he was sorry:) Ridge is also throwing everything now. . . maybe Nate taught him!!! just kidding:)
thanks for this story. totally relatable and relieves me from thinking my girls are the only ones who would do such things.
Sorry to let you in on the secret but the 2's keep going and going and going...Trey is 3 and we still have our MOMENTS! Just blog about it and then smile as you reflect back at just how much "fun" and unpredictable 2 year olds can be!
I LOVE those days! It just makes you have to laugh when you crawl into bed. ha! Hope you are feeling good, though!
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