Friday, October 23, 2009

a cowboy hat that fits his noggin'

Since Nate absolutely l o v e s being a cowboy - Wes got him a real cowboy hat. This hat replaced his 0-6 month Gymboree cowboy hat that has always been to small for his big ol' head.

Nate is in l o v e with his new hat. He even asked me to take pictures of cowboy Nate this week. So here you go - pictures of our little cowboy.


Alisha said...

What a handsome cowboy!

mrs. timberlake said...

we just came from a posse gymkhana where there wasn't a cowboy in sight to match this cuteness! the popped collar AND cowboy hat... priceless.

Alex said...

So cute!!! I've just been reading your blog...what a sweetheart Nate is!

Seriously, come meet us at the park anytime! I'm going almost everyday while the weather is so nice. Harrison would love to have someone to play with!

laurel said...

I love the new cowboy hat!

510Jen said...

He is so stinkin cute in that hat!