Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Trucks or Dolls?

We’ll hopefully find out tomorrow if our world will involve trucks and trains or dolls & princesses.! We’ve had a lot of people ask us if we have a preference on a boy or a girl….which we don’t. But it got me thinking. Part of me would love a boy because at some point I want Wes to have a son. While he will be a wonderful dad with either, I know how much he’d love tee-ball games & doing all of the things with his son that his dad did for him. Plus, little boys are just funny. Most toddler boys come up with the funniest things to say and I just love it.
On the other hand, girls are beautiful & adorable. For the same reason I hope Wes has a boy at some point, I hope to have a daughter as well. I see how many things my mom can do with her daughters and I would love that some day.
I can honestly say that we will be thrilled with either….we’re just anxious to know either way!


Lillie said...

Tomorrow?? That's today!! What time? What's the news? Are you blogging it or do I need to call? I need to call you anyway..

Can't wait to see you this weekend!

Lindsay Griffeth said...

Our little one is as stubborn as his dad (& mom!)! He/she was so comfortable that it wouldn't move for anything! It had its leg crossed and as soon as it un-crossed it, it crossed the other one! Plus, a hand was in the way too. The ultra-sound tech was nice enough to tell me to come back tomorrow morning & she'll try again! I'll keep ya posted!