I've hit my half-way point in the pregnancy & I've been looking at all of the baby gear that is out there to buy. That's when I decided to ask all of you what you found helpful! What baby gear items did you find crucial? Which baby gear items are you sure you could do without? Which ones did you wish you have?
I'd love your insight on anything from slings/carriers, strollers, high chairs/boosters, travel system, did they wear "outfits" when they were just tiny or just endless onesies?, bouncy/vibrating seats, swing, an actual changing table, wipe warmer, diaper genie, playpen, exersaucer, breast pumps, etc.
Any brands you loved or hated? Look forward to hearing from you!
I'll send you an email! Lots of things I have an opinion on are for city-related reasons, but generally I will try to give you some tips!
I agree with Laurel...too much to comment on here. I'll let you know what I think in email too.
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