Wednesday, January 26, 2011

the magic machine

I am in love with this vaporizer/humidifier. My friend Alex told me it made all the difference in the world when Harrison was sick a few weeks ago. Harrison was up for almost 5 hours one night coughing and crying and so she decided to try this thing and it totally worked for them.

And it's working for the Naters, too. It's like it lets off magic steam that instantly stops the coughing. He's sleeping much better at night instead of coughing for hours and hours.

Just thought I'd share our new favorite item from Target.


Doreen Griffeth said...

Vicks is the cure from my day!
Yeah! Sleep will make the difference!

mrs. timberlake said...

ugh. so sorry.

thanks for sharing your magic machine though! it's always great to find another tool to put in the tool belt when faced with these sick kiddos.

Alyssa Griffeth said...

So sorry Nate's so sick! Having sick kids is seriously the worst. Maddie and I both have terrible coughs right now, and I can't wait to have us all healthy again. I was just thinking this morning that I should pull out the vaporizer for Maddie's room. Thanks for the reminder of how helpful they can be!

mrs. timberlake said...

p.s. can you stop posting pics of nate on the breathing machine? it's too much~
:) poor guy.

Amander said...

A vaporizer was a staple at my house when we were sick. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

The Skeehan Family said...

I am crossing all appendages that things are still on the up and up. Hope the weekend is going well and Naters allowed you to keep him somewhat quiet.

By the way, the pics of Nate at the basketball game are darling.

And the one of him with the breathing machine needs to be pulled. Like now.