Tuesday, January 25, 2011

“We’ve been attacked by the SICK monster.” – Nate Griffeth

Mr. Cold and Flu has ATTACKED the Griffeth house this week.  It started with me with a massive sore throat but with alot of vitamin C, Zicam, vitamins, Halls Defense Drops & a few extra hours in bed [thanks Wes] I’m feeling okay.  Not great, but nothing to complain about.

It started hitting Wes yesterday.  We’ll see if he’s as lucky with the Airborne & vitamins.

My cute little boys, however are not so lucky.

Nate?  FULL.BLOWN.RSV.  [A first for our house, by the way.  Ever.]  He’s not doing so well.  He’s got a raspy cough that immediately turns to what we think is probably asthma but the wheezing is horrific.  His nose is gushing.  He’s got a low-grade fever.  The poor guy coughs and coughs all-night-long.  But none of this phases him – he still just wants to PLAY and PLAY.  Trying to get a 3 year old boy to hold still and rest a little more when he doesn’t want to has proven to be a challenge.

nate - first case of RSV (1 of 1) 

Ryan?  Well, he started the low-grade fever today and has been whining for 24+ hours so I’m pretty sure he is the next victim.

I STRUGGLE with day after day stuck inside the house.  We do get out a little bit – but the weather is FABULOUS and we just want to run and play outside.  But I’m pretty sure that will just about shut down Nate’s lungs so we’re staying low-key.  But day after day of feeling crappy without friends, cousins & school is a little rough on us! 

We’ll survive, I guess.


laurel said...

Oh I'm SO sorry. It's so hard. I hate when anyone, and especially everyone, gets sick. And the staying home is the worst. Avery had a fever last night so I kept her home today and we were all going nuts! I think she's fine but we will see how tonight goes. Hang in there and I hope Ryan's doesn't get too much worse!!

J-Leav said...

Um, I'd offer to help, but I do not want your plague! No offense. I'm out and about running errands tomorrow. Txt me if I can pick you something up. Seriously.

Melissa Snyder said...

I am so sorry to hear about that icky bug that has hit your home. It is no fun when kids are sick. Especially with RSV. My second son had that and was in the hospital for 9 days. I hope that Ryan doesn't get it. Hope you all start feeling better soon.

Doreen Griffeth said...

Our prayers are with you! Take care!
I hated when my kids were sick!

Julie T. said...

I'm so sorry... hopefully everyone will be feeling better soon so you can get out and enjoy this weather. I was happy to see Nate and Wes wearing Rebel Red:)

Alisha said...

Nothing worse than sick kids! I feel ya sister!