Sunday, January 30, 2011

oh, what a week it has been.

[I am trying to be optimistic, but I think we’re in for another stellar week].

. Nate was diagnosed with RSV.  While it was a rough week – he wasn’t hit with a terrible fever so he was acting like he felt alright [not normal, but not a kid with RSV] so he still just wanted to play and play and play.  But his body desperately needed rest.  Especially those lungs of his.  Trying to get Nate to sit still is one heck of a challenge but we got creative with art projects, play-doh and rides in the stroller.  Oh, and of course our fair share of movies and TV shows.

. It was a boring week with just the three of us.  I quickly learned that we are not week-long home-bodies.  We like school, play dates, friends/family!  Luckily, we had fabulous weather all week so we did get outside a little bit to play in the dirt.  It was nice to get some fresh air and some sun!

ryan playing in the dirt (1 of 1)

. Nate’s breathing treatment medicine takes 25 minutes and he’s supposed to do it twice a day.  That’s a long time and it makes Nate WILD and CRAZY.  Wes and I are about to pull our hair out with how bonkers he gets but we quickly remind ourselves [and each other] that it’s not his fault.

crazy nate (1 of 1)

. RYAN did great all week avoiding the “plague”. . . but then on Saturday we knew the RSV had made it’s way to our little man and now he is sick as a dog.  Yet another trip to the doctor tomorrow.  I feel so bad for babies when they are sick – he is absolutely miserable.  Don’t his poor little eyes just break your heart?

ryan with RSV (1 of 1)

. Prior to Ryan getting sick, we started giving him a little whole milk in a sippy cup.  The dude is in love with milk in a sippy cup.  The transition out of a bottle may be easier than I thought.   

ryan loves his sippy (1 of 1)

. Ryan had a blast the other night eating with the bowl and the spoon.  He wasn’t feeling well so we let him go at it and he loved it.  He was absolutely disgusting when he was all-done and went straight to the tub.

ryan eating bowl (1 of 1)ryan messy face (1 of 1)ryan pretending to eat with spoon (1 of 1)

. Wes and I forgot how much easier it is to have a sick toddler vs. a sick baby.  If Ryan could just blow his nose that would make such a big difference!  The nose sucker is a necessary but mean device.  It’s nice that we’re at a point with Nate that he can tell us what hurts & happily blows his nose and takes medicine. 

. Speaking of Nate telling us what hurts – we’re pretty sure he now has an ear infection.

. The boys bathroom has been our steam room.  We get it SUPER steamy in there and then Wes takes both boys in the shower.  It’s amazing what comes flowing out of their noses after that!

. Other than Nate’s chest and his ears, he seems to be doing better.  His nose isn’t running [there’s still plenty of snot but it’s not coming out unless he blows his nose] and he’s not coughing.  He’s still got some serious congestion in his chest but he only coughs a few times a day.  So we’re making improvements.  I’m curious to see what doc says tomorrow.  At what point is he considered “not contagious” anymore?

. We’re very grateful to a fabulous brother-in-law that lives around the corner that dropped everything mid-house project to come help Wes give our boys a blessing.

. I have a confession: Nate wasn’t coughing at all with zero runny nose so we went on a little date on Saturday afternoon.  I figured a trip to an empty movie theatre to see Tangled wouldn’t infect anyone.  We had such a great afternoon!  It was my first time taking Nate to a movie and he loved the movie and a date with mom.  He sat on my lap and barely moved while eating his popcorn, skittles & apple juice.  It was just what we needed.

. I’m pretty sure we single-handedly kept the childrens medicine / Vicks aisle & Target Pharmacy in business this week.

. I’ve got a pretty great husband.  He was supposed to be out of town pretty much this entire next week but luckily it was one of those trips where he set everything up to meet with people and it all could be rescheduled in a week or two.  So without saying anything to me, he rescheduled all of the meetings.  I never would have expected or asked him to do that but it will sure make things easier this week.  Nights with these two are interesting – it definitely involves a two man parental team since they both seem to have “issues” at the same time!

Our fingers are crossed that Ryan’s body can fight off this sickness rather quickly.  It’s always a little scarier in babies – we hope he recovers soon!


The Skeehan Family said...

oh honey, I am so so so so sorry Ryan's gotten it. His eyes just make me so sad. What a disaster of a week. Massive kudos to Wes - that was awesome of him to cancel his appointments - what a good man.

Oh, call me manana, I have a method of sucking junk out of baby noses that works AMAZINGLY well (Ryan will HATE it but it is really effective).

Oh and I think a little outing to an empty theater was a brilliant idea.

Hope tonight goes better. And hopefully the doctor has some good ideas.

Doreen Griffeth said...

Thank goodness every week is not like this! I would much rather be sick than my kids!! Let's hope for speedy recoveries!
They are in our prayers! They always are, and so are you!

Kiley said...

Oh no, not Ryan too! I'm soooooo sorry! Sick kids are no fun (especially when their mom's want to go do things together!) I hope you guys get feeling better soon.

I'm glad you and Nate had a little date night! Isn't that movie so cute!

Andrus Family said...

Oh. My. Goodness. You deserve a week long vacation to somewhere tropical after all that! I am so sorry you've got them both dealing with sickness at the same time - NEVER fun! But way to go Wes, you win points for being so good to help out!! Hope you all get feeling better before the middle of Feb! :)

Ali said...

I remember RSV well. Being stuck in a house for so long is never good. And three breathing treatments a day for us was BAD NEWS. Abbie was a mess by the end and it wasn't from the RSV. I think everyone goes through it once. I hope this is your once then your done.