Friday, January 21, 2011

Ryan is 11 months old

We’ve got one month left until he turns ONE.  That’s just craziness.

ryan with card (1 of 1)

Our little [or not so little] boy has quite the personality these days.  He is a joy to have in our family and either makes me crazy or makes me smile all day long.  He’s a destructive little boy – the bigger the mess the better.  He pulls just about anything over and climbs anything he thinks he can climb.  Today he pulled our big garbage can over and it landed right on him.  I got about 15 minutes of cuddle time after that one.

Speaking of cuddling, Ryan can be quite the cuddler.  He loves to snuggle in and give loves.  I absolutely love this about him.

ry close up (1 of 1)


Ryan at 11 months:

. He still will eat anything & he never stops eating.  You just have to cut him off.  He gets really mad if he’s sitting in his highchair and there’s even 30 seconds without food being offered.

. He loves his mama [and his dad].  When I walk in to a room he stops what he’s doing and with a big smile crawls right over to me.  He will do the same to Wes when he’s been gone for a while.

. He’s got 7 teeth.

. He still has not mastered the sleeping thing.  He sometimes just cries and cries for no apparent reason.

. Speaking of sleeping, most of the time he lays ON his lion and holds a binky while he sleeps.  Lately when he’s mad in there he throws everything out of his crib and then cries even louder.

ryan sleeping (1 of 1)

. He weighs 23 pounds.

. Loves being outside.  He loves going on walks, playing in dirt, crawling around in the grass, climbing on playgrounds, etc.  If he’s outside, he’s happy.  I think this summer will be fun when I can get out some water toys!

. He HITS!  Seriously!  He will whack you and pull hair on purpose.

. He loves to play but also still loves to be held.

. He’s been crawling for 5 months and walking around things for almost 4.  But no sign of walking yet.

. He had his first haircut today.  He was starting to grow a mullet so before anyone could say “look at that baby’s mullet”, we cut it off. 

. He loves music.

. He’s slightly better in the car.

. He will lay right on Nate and just roll over him and give him big hugs and kisses.

. He’s got a great smile.

. He can throw quite a tantrum.

. He HATES getting dressed and un-dressed.  The only time this isn’t a problem is when he’s standing next to the bathtub as it’s filling up with water for his nightly bath.  He LOVES getting in the tub so he will cooperate with getting his clothes off.

. He still takes two naps.  They usually aren’t great naps but he’s getting a little better.

ry laughing in car (1 of 1)

 ryan in his car (1 of 1)  

ry at park (1 of 1)

ryan in dirt 2 (1 of 1)

We love this little boy of ours!


Sammy said...

love ryan roo even if he barfs a lot. gotta love the giant smile on his face when i walk into the room too :) maybe he thinks i'm you

J-Leav said...

You know we're crazy about him! Only one month to plan a big 1 year bash :)

The Skeehan Family said...

oh I'm loving those pictures right now. so yeah, I'm agreeing, I think he and samantha will get along splendidly. they can rip both our houses apart when they get together and throw things out from their cribs and yes, of course, hit one another. It'll be GREAT! :)

Alisha said...

Cute boy! Can't wait to see him again!

Adam and Bri said...

what a cute kid.

he's going to LOVE reading all these thoughts/observations when he's older.

Lillie said...

I can't believe it's already been nearly a year! Such handsome boys you have. Be grateful you probably don't have all the drama and emotion... I'm thinking it all evens out, boys and girls. I'm so excited to experience the other side---

Doreen Griffeth said...

I miss this little smile! What fun! Thanks for sharing ALL of these cute pictures of him!