Tuesday, May 18, 2010


My Orange Phone Story.

I took Nate to a different library today for story time. I didn't feel like lugging everything in so I threw my phone and my keys in the carseat with Ryan and we walked in to the library.

About 5 minutes in to storytime, I look at the carseat and see that my phone is covered in bright orange p o o p. Yes, I said poop. Ryan hadn't pooped in 3 days and decided that during storytime all over my phone was a good time to let it all out. And boy did he let it all out.

Luckily, Kiley & Hadley were with us and so I left Nate in storytime while I ran to the car to clean up the mess. The poop destroyed my phone (hallelujah for phone insurance - I was handed a new one this afternoon) but at least Ryan seemed less gassy the rest of the day.

And can I mention that I wouldn't survive in public without Kiley? She always seems to be there when I need another set of adult hands.

My "Grandpa of the Day" story.

I rarely ask my parents to watch my kids at night for me to go do something fun. Wes is currently out of town and when I realized my mom was in charge of enrichment tonight, leaving my dad all alone, I asked him if he wanted to babysit Nate. Of course, he said sure.

The occasion? Dinner with some of my favorite ladies. We served in young womens together for about 3 years in my old ward and we get together for dinner quarterly to catch up. I sure do love these dear friends of mine.

My dad was so cute with Nate tonight. He didn't just come over and plop on the couch to watch a movie. He picked him up and took him to dinner at Cafe Rio. Dessert at Nielsens. Play time at the park. And a ride on the Merry-Go-Round.

My dad rocks.


The Skeehan Family said...

John is pretty dang fantastic. What a grandpa.

And that poo story is so dreadful. Samantha and Ryan should prove great friends due to their pooping ability - seriously.

and ps, the blog is updated :)

Amander said...

Oh man...orange poo all over your phone?? That IS a good thing you have phone insurance.

Kiley said...

Whatever, you are a pro. I need you way more than you need me!

Glad you got a new phone, and tell your dad if he ever wants to babysit for us, I will hire him!

Alyssa Griffeth said...

That phone story was hilarious!! So glad you got a replacement so fast.

katierose said...

i love the phone-poop story! you know, i'm sure it sucked in the moment, but you have to admit it's a pretty awesome story that you can tell him about, and he'll think it's awesome since he's a boy! and i'm SO grateful for your awesome dad too so that i could spend an evening with you! i miss yooooooooou! can't wait for the next night out :)