Mimi {my good friend from BYU} and her family came from Phoenix to visit us over the weekend. I always enjoy catching up with Mimi in person!

Mimi has two very fun little girls. Nate & Claire played about as well as you can expect two 2-year-olds to play. They had their moments but overall had fun together. The adults got a lot of practice being a referee teaching them to share or figuring out why one was crying. But there was lots of laughter in there, too!

Nate LOVES babies that are around 6-8 months old. He loves getting them to laugh so he especially loved having Samantha around. He got quite a belly laugh out of her a few times!
We kept it pretty low key with 4 kids two-and-a-half and younger. You know you're in for a wild weekend when Nate's the oldest of the four kids!
- on Friday we went to a park and had a picnic in the shade on the grass while the kids played. Samantha was ready for a snack and Ryan's hand was the closest thing in sight.

- on Friday night, I got a sitter for Nate & Claire while we went to dinner at Famous Daves. Wes took us on a wild goose chase to get there but we made it. It was nice to have adults and babies only!
- on Saturday we went to a park with a splash pad and fun playground and then came back to the house to grill hamburgers for dinner. A little Settlers was played after the kiddos went to bed.

It was a nice weekend with good friends we don't see nearly enough. Thanks for coming, Skeehan family. We'll see ya in Phoenix in May 2011. {we've seen them every May for the last 3 years so we might as well keep the tradition going!}
that looks like so much fun! it's always so nice to spend time with old college friends. i still have a few that i keep in touch with, and i just love it! glad you had the chance to spend some time together...
all the kids are so cute! I can't believe we are really in this phase of life. Hard to believe we have all been friends for so long!
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