Monday, May 17, 2010

head shaving clarification . . .

No, Nate didn't cut his own hair warranting a head shave. Wes just thought it would be a good idea and a fun surprise for mom to come home to.

Not so much.

But the shaved head doesn't make me want to cry anymore. Still not my favorite - but like I said, it will grow back.


laurel said...

Oh Linds! It'll grow! Ashton always has a buzzed head because we don't know what else to do with his cowlick and it grows sooooo fast.

Doreen Griffeth said...

Sorry!!! He still is SO cute!!
PS Hide the clippers!

Melissa Snyder said...

That doesn't even look like Nate. The great thing about bad hair cuts is that they always grow back. Those are the perfect summer haircuts. We do those too.