Sunday, May 2, 2010

from the mouth of Nate . . .

This kid CRACKS me up. I've been waiting for this stage and it's finally here. The stage where your kids come up with comments that make you laugh and smile all day. Especially in his 2-year-old little voice with 2-year old grammar.

Here's what I heard today . . .

While walking out to the garage . . .
Nate: "Mom, I will hold the door open for you cause you a girl."

While walking back to the church tonight for Kyle's court of honor . . .
Nate: "Mom, your shoes are cute. Can I wear them tomollow?"
{his r's in the middle of a word still sound like an l}.

While pooping on the potty with me sitting next to him . . .
Nate: "Plug your nose, mom. A big stinky one is coming out!"

While eating spaghetti . . .
Nate: "mom, this is amazing dinner!"

And tonight, while I was reading him bedtime stories, he looked up at me and said . . .
Nate: "I love you, mom."

Oh, and last week he started calling me a silly woman. I'm not sure where he came up with that. But now, instead of saying woman, he says herman. So all day long he says . . .
"You silly Herman."

I love this kid.


Doreen Griffeth said...

Gotta LOVE that boy! I LOVE that voice, too!
Thanks for sharing!

Alisha said...

I love it! I'm so glad you are documenting it. I wish I had written down all the funny things my kiddos have said. Nate has such a cute personality...enjoy!

Amander said...

Love that he asked to wear your shoes!