The short story? We've been casually looking for a house since May. We were totally happy to stay where we are but wanted to at least see what was out there in Green Valley while prices are still relatively low. We found a few houses we really liked but they just weren't meant to be.
Then came the call from our realtor in early December about a house in LaurelGlen in Green Valley. For you locals, it's off GVPkwy and Pebble. It was a regular sale {not a short sale or foreclosure} so we at least knew the sale process would be normal, unlike a short sale. After looking at alot of houses over the last few months and astonished/repulsed by how people live and the conditions of most homes out there - we immediately liked the newly-gutted home on Majestic Peak. The floor plan was just what we were looking for and it smelled brand new, despite it's almost-20-year-old age.

So, we're moving. We were supposed to move in by January 15th - so the last few weeks have been a little rough watching the days tick by and my belly grow. And grow. And grow to 38 weeks pregnant. I know, really? Moving at 38 weeks pregnant? But what do ya do but hope I don't go in to labor this week. We'll have keys tomorrow afternoon and the move-in process begins. The first item on Wes' to-do-list? Paint the boys bedrooms. As long as the boys' rooms are painted and organized before this little man arrives - I'll be a happy camper. And I wouldn't mind an organized kitchen, too.
While I'm really excited for the new house - moving was a really, really hard decision for me. It was by far the most bitter/sweet decision I've ever made. Here's why:
the Bitter
- We LOVE our ward & our friends out here. They are the best. We've been spoiled to have such wonderful people by us for four years! But girls - we're moving less than 8 miles away so I still expect to see you regularly.
- We like our little house. We got to the point a few years ago where everything was pretty much done. We weren't putting any more money in to it so we've lived house project & yard work free for 2 years and it's been fabulous!
- Did I mention how bummed I am to leave our ward and friends? Nate is going to be sooo sad when he realizes he has to leave his nursery friends. He loves our ward & all of his little buddies. Luckily his cousin Daisy will be in his new nursery class so that will really help the transition for him. He's my little creature of habit.
the Sweet
- closer to my family. I'm hoping this means I see them more and that Nate gets to see his cousins a little more often.
- a house with a little more space. And a PLAYROOM downstairs. My dream come true.

- closer to conveniences. We live in the boonies right now which means we drive quite a ways to get to a mall, grocery store, etc. But in our 6+ years of marriage, we've yet to live anywhere super convenient. Until now. I'm a little excited that a grocery store is within walking distance.
- We can walk to church. And eventually I'll be able to walk the boys to elementary school. And I can walk to a park.
Here's where we will call home for many years to come . . .

With the arrival of Baby Griff {Nate's nickname for the baby} - I won't be decorating anytime soon. Plus, I like to take my time and do it right {or pretty darn close} the first time. But I will get the boys' rooms done ASAP so more pictures to come of that.