We've hit the stage I've been waiting for . . . when your child says & does things that just make you laugh. Sometimes, that's all you can do.
- His latest thing is to ask you to shut your eyes so he can do something naughty. Today, I was in the kitchen and he was in the family room. He asked me to shut my eyes. So, I shut them enough that he thought they were closed but I had to see what he was up to. In our built-in entertainment center, we have the child proof safety things on the bottom cabinets so he can't open them. Well, apparently he can open them now and that's why he wanted me to shut my eyes. So he could get in the cabinets. When I opened my eyes, he proceeded to explain & demonstrate how to keep your eyes shut.
- Yesterday during his nap time - he just screamed. Not a crying scream but an "I want outta here to play" scream. He started by yelling "mom....mom.....mom" which turned into him yelling "Lindsay Jane" over and over for a very long time in his cute little 2-year-old voice. Apparently he thought calling me by my "real" name would get me in there. Not so much.
- I wasn't laughing at this act but by how proud he was to show me that he wipes boogers on his bed. YUCK. Luckily they are all in the same spot so I know where to look and clean.
- He loves his monster hooded towel. Every night when Wes gets him out of the tub, he gets his monster on to come to find me to scare me. He loves it.
That's all I got for now.
And I love how even when I am parked right next to you he finds it appropriate to take a lap around the parking lot to drive me to my car.
I love that he calls you "Lindsay Jane" to get your attention!
I LOVE these posts! They are so REAL!!!!! Someday this is going to be so fun to show Nate!
More...I want more funny Nate stories!
oh naters. he's pretty fabulous, you know?
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