Sunday, January 24, 2010

Project Life & a little scrapbooking

I heard about Project Life from my cousin, Jen. Her good friend Becky Higgins came up with the concept and it sounded perfect for me so I'm doing it in 2010. It involves taking a picture-of-the-day (POTD) and doing a little journaling. Daily. But everything else, as far as the album, is done for you so you don't have to be creative or anything. It's great!

My original goal of this thing was to get my big camera out and practice with photography more often. Well, that hasn't happened yet but I have managed to stay on top of the journaling and almost a picture every day. Although that part has been a little harder than I thought it would be. However, in the end it will be fun to see a glimpse of every day of the year in one book.
A few recent POTD's. Friday: a free class at Gymboree Play & Music with Hadley & Seth. They LOVED the play area!
Family dinner {plus 3 of Sam's friends} tonight at my parent's house. Here's Daisy while Nate was pulling her around in the wagon. The three little guys have been getting along really well lately which has been nice!

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I've been working on Nate's scrapbook . . . trying to get it all caught up before his little brother is born. I'm not quite done, but I'm a little closer than I was a month or two ago. I've kept it pretty simple which has helped. It's fun having it all in one place.

Now I just need to get my blog printed in to a book!


Ali said...

How funny. Week one of my Project Life book started last week (I didn't receive mine until after the first of the year). I've got all my journal entries done and am just waiting to order the photos at the end of the month.

I also worked on my last/first three years of blogs just before Christmas and they are all books sitting in my front room. Done. It feels really, really good. I'd recommend doing it before little Wes arrives...

Doreen Griffeth said...

I love this idea! I benefit by seeing all the fun things you are doing with that awesome kid!

Lillie said...

Oh great---- now there's one more project on my to-do list. I'm looking it up.