Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Baby Griffeth - 36.5 weeks

I saw Dr. Miller again this morning for my weekly check-up. Things are still looking good. She says I'm dilated to a ONE {which pretty much means nothing} and that his head is still really far up there. Which was great news for me for two reasons: 1). A few weeks ago he was sideways but now his head is facing down, right where it should be. 2). As uncomfortable as this stage is I'm hoping he likes it in there and wants to stay until his due date {February 15}. I have lots to do before his arrival.

I've been thinking lately about what a true miracle it is to have a person inside you. A human being is in my ginormous belly. When I really think about it - it's just amazing. And while I really look forward to the day when I can breathe again, sleep on my stomach, not have heartburn, swollen legs & a constant need to pee . . . I sure do love feeling this little man inside me. Two nights ago I was lying in bed on my side and you could see his hand or foot moving back and forth across my belly. Just that one little limb sticking out really far. He did it for a long time while Wes and I stared.

I can't wait to meet this dude.


mrs. timberlake said...

that's the part that i love... realizing and appreciating what your body is making, supporting life to, etc. it's really beyond words.

talk to me when he's out and he's a fresh newborn and it's all crazy like at your house... that's the part i don't so much love.

Amander said...

It will be so fun to see updates as your family continues to grow. I hope he stays in a bit longer for your sake too!

Doreen Griffeth said...

I can't wait to meet him either! I know he will be CUTE!!!!!

Laurel said...

I have thoughts of how amazing it is as well. All the time in fact. I can't wait to be able to distinguish body parts poking out...I think I might have felt an elbow or a knee the other day! Anyway, glad he is getting into position!

Melissa Snyder said...

It is pretty amazing feeling a little baby move inside. It is hard to describe but there is no greater feeling than that. I hope he will come when he is ready. Hang in there, the end is in sight.

Alisha said...

Cannot wait to see this little guy and to find out his name! Keep hanging in there!

Julie T. said...

Oh my gosh, he is going to be here so soon! Let's go to lunch next week. Let me know!

The Skeehan Family said...

Yeah, just keep telling him to STAY IN :)

It is pretty amazing - I think if it weren't the world's population would have stopped pretty soon after Adam and Eve :)

Trisha said...

How exciting that you are in the final countdown! I'm glad things look good. I hope the delivery goes well.