It all started on the night of New Years Eve. Nate had a little runny nose and a cough, but nothing out of the ordinary, yet he woke up about every 2 hours all night long. The problem? He was coughing and couldn't breathe. At one point around 3am, I almost took him to the emergency room. But then I realized the emergency room was the last place I'd want to be on New Years Eve unless I absolutely had to. Luckily, his inhaler that he got a few months ago seemed to work enough but by 6:30am he was back to really struggling for air. Luckily there was a children's urgent care open on New Years Day so we took him there. The bizarre thing was he wasn't acting like he couldn't breathe but the wheezing and gasping going on scared Wes and I to death. Nate has had his fair share of sickness - but nothing quite like this experience!

As soon as the nurse heard Nate's breathing, we became a top priority patient. He quickly got a breathing treatment - lets just say that was a terrible experience. Nate hated that thing and it was such a struggle to get him to keep the mask on. The doc gave him a steroid shot to help open up his lungs and we were sent on our way. A nebulizer arrived at our house a few hours later so we can do breathing treatments at home combined with an oral steroid.
Happy New Years to us.
Luckily by this morning, his breathing dramatically improved. Hallelujah. But the medicine he's on makes him HYPER. Hyper is actually an understatement. He's all over the place. Which means naps aren't occuring which in turn makes for a grumpy, yet hyper little boy come 3pm. This afternoon was rough for Wes and I trying to keep Nate entertained and content. I can't remember the last time I was that frustrated as a mom.
At least we figured out a way to get Nate to almost willingly do breathing treatments at home. He sits on the couch with his portable DVD player and headphones and watches part of a movie while Wes watches football bowl games on the big TV. The headphones block out the sound of the machine. Our movie junkie has loved being able to watch a little extra TV the last few days. It's the only thing that gets him to do the treatments. But we still haven't figured out how to get him to take the terrible liquid steroid. He spit it all over me tonight. I guess 1/2 at this point is all we can ask for from our little man. I'm very grateful his condition improved so quickly.
We're hoping our year only gets better!
oh lindsay...
i am with you up until the nebulizer. i have had mackenzie do the whole gasping for air in the middle of the night/should i take her to the er?/calling my sister at 2am to get advice, bleh bleh bleh. i have had her have the steroid shot. but not the breathing treatments or liquid steroids. so sorry. i have only heard horror stories like yours of dealing with a breathing, yet hyper child.
bleh to having you bring in the new year this way.
and look, wes just gets to watch more football out of the deal. go figure. ;)
We have been there and done that too. It is no fun to watch these little ones struggle. It's not only scary for us but for them it is a very scary experience. They have no idea what it going on. I am glad that the shots and breathing treatments cleared things up. Hope he continues to improve.
OH Lindsay--- how terrifying. Two kids in, and I still always think--- what will I do if my kid gets REALLY sick, or gets a REAL injury... I mean what will I do after I pull my passed-out body up off of the floor. The idea freaks me out. I'm so sorry this is the way your brought in the new year!
What a bummer Lindsay! So Sorry!
We went through this with Taylor two years ago with the steroid meds making her VERY Hyper too.
So, our Pediatrian had us try Delsym/Mucinex mini melts and it worked like a charm with no side effects. We thought it was Asthma for awhile because she was getting Croup constantly but it's calmed down a lot as she has gotten older.
I am so glad to hear he is on the mend!!! You are seeing little WES in action!
I can relate 100%! And, it sucks, so I am very sorry! I am sure everybody will give you their 2 cents, but if Nate won't take the liquid steroid have your dr. presribe you liquid steroid to use with your nebulizer. Tessa takes a liquid steroid daily through her nebulizer and also albuterol as needed. It's made a difference. I don't know what it is but pretty much the minute she turned 2 we've had problems and trips to the E.R. as well...all about breathing problems!!! All those breathing treatments make it hard to discipline your child because you know it's not "them" that is making them bounce off the wall. Good luck, and if you ever have quesions, I am pretty sure I can answer them, we've been all over the board with this breathing thing and alternative treatments!
We had the exact thing happen to Emma! Except it was not on New Year's Eve! She hated the nebulizer and had to have a steroid shot too, it was awful, I am so sorry you all are going through this, especially Nate! Isn't modern medicine so wonderful though?
Oh man! I'm sorry - this is not the way to start out the year! I would have been so scared too. I'm glad things are improving. I hear you on the spitting out the medicine thing - Ashton WILL NOT take medicine unless we hold all his limbs down and pour it directly down his throat, and even then sometimes it all come back out. The worst! Keep us posted.
Oh, and on an unrelated note, my new camera is a Canon Rebel T1I and I'm so excited about it!!
um, i just noticed your labels.
do we really need a
"nate not breathing" section?
i actually ok with "urgent care".... but let's hope not to add any more posts to the "nate not breathing" tab. k? k. :)
Honey, I am so sorry. That had to be horribly frightening.
Pooor little man.
Seconding Amy's no more adding that tab comment.
It's so hard to see your kid like that and it seems to be a come and go nasty bug this year. Every time I get the nerve to put the nebulizer away, the cough and wheezing come right back. It's a scary thing, but at least nate will actually wear the mask. Spence won't have a thing to do with that!
That is horrible! I hope it gets better.
so sorry to hear that you guys had to go through all that! i'm glad he's doing better. it's so scarey and frustrating not being able to do anything for them. definitely have the doc prescribe a steroid for the neb. it's so much easier to get them to take it. my two have to take the steroid in the neb. everyday so put a movie or show on for them too. helps so much with getting them to do it "willingly". jeff will now hold the mask by himself but hayden still has to have me hold it for him. he really doen't like the mask so we got a tube that driects the mist into his face without him having anything on his face. that might help nate if he has to do the breathing treatments alot and he doesn't like the mask. hope you don't have to do anymore treatments. i've started giving my boys treatments whenever they start getting sick i.e. coughs and it seems to help them not have a really bad reaction. that might help you guys out too. good luck and we love you guys!!
scariest thing! glad your little natters is fine, now. g has a nebulizer too for the same reason, but i don't think it was as bad as nate's case!
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