Monday, January 4, 2010

LIFE at 34 weeks pregnant

I'm 34 weeks along - about 6 weeks to go until baby boy #2 arrives. Here's a little bit about my pregnant L I F E . {I tried to put a few positives in there - the end of a pregnancy is rough!}

. I'm ginormous. Many people think that being tall means you have more room in your belly for a baby. I am living proof that that is not true.

. My poor left leg. I've got veins popping out everywhere. Good thing it's fixable one day because it's pretty gross.

. The amount of pressure I'm feeling from this bambino is significantly more than when I was pregnant with Nate.

. Speaking of not-your-first-pregnancy - it's a totally different ballgame {in my opinion}.

. Sleep. What's sleep? Between peeing every few hours, struggling to simply roll over, or Nate yelling in the night - sleep isn't happening much. It's a cruel, mean joke for a soon-to-be-mom-of-a-newborn to not sleep before the baby comes because we all know you don't sleep much once they are here.

. Nate loves driving by the hospital where he was born and where the baby will be born. He always yells, "baby come out mommy tummy there!" as we drive by. It's on the main street by our house so we drive by almost daily.

. I'm really excited to meet this little man.

. But yet scared to death to meet this little man. I am not a fan of the newborn stage!

. I haven't thought much about getting ready for his arrival. Should probably start thinking about it sooner than later. I did manage to pre-register last week at the hospital & made a Target run specifically for a few baby items - so I guess my brain is starting to process the fact that I'll be a mom of TWO sooner than later.

. I'm swelling a bit. But a winter pregnancy definitely helps minimize the swelling.

. Our house resembles Father of the Bride Part II with Steve Martin FREEZING while the pregnant ladies are quite warm. Wes is always cold (which is rare - he's usually my portable heater!) and I'm always hot.

. Heartburn? Definitely had it much less this go-around but when I get it, it's BAD. And somehow my upper back always really hurts at the same time! Strange, I know.

. Still waiting to even discuss names until we're at the hospital with a baby in our arms.

. Getting excited for Nate to have a sibling.

. I'm getting more and more Braxton Hicks every week. Still not too bad though so I can't complain.

. Nate isn't the only one who can't breathe. I can't either. It feels like this kid LIVES in my lungs. Wes always gives me a hard time because apparently I breathe really loud!

Amidst all of the pain, uncomfortableness & lack of sleep that comes with being almost 9 months pregnant, I sure am grateful for our little miracle baby #2. He constantly reminds me that he's inside my belly - he's very active! We're excited to have a new addition to our little family in February. It's crazy to think that he'll be here so soon - time has FLOWN by.


Adam and Bri said...

SO fun! I'm at 24 weeks right now, and the fact that you are only six weeks away reminds me that I'm only 16 weeks away! Crazy town.

Will you be in Vegas this weekend? I'm heading down south to Sam's for our college girl reunion. It'd sure be fun to see ya!

Alisha said...

Sounds so very familiar...I swear I was just there. Hang in there, he will be here before you know it! We can't wait to meet him!

mrs. timberlake said...

um, to be honest... your pregnancy has flown by for me too. i honestly can't believe you are 6 weeks away.

can't wait to hear about Griffeth Family - party of FOUR!

p.s. AMEN to winter pregnancies!

Nikki, Cody, and Tessa said...

Can't wait for baby Griffeth to arrive either, although it will be kind of sad when both our pregnancies are a way.

Doreen Griffeth said...

I am so excited for you, too! You are an amazing mom and will have so much fun with this little one! Hopefully the sleep deprivation is a little better this year!

katierose said...

i love your honesty! 6 weeks? really? oooh boy!!!

The Skeehan Family said...

man oh man, you are SOOOOOO close. And seriously, it is a mean joke to not get sleep even BEFORE the baby is born.

And we need to visit about the screaming naters...