It was great to have them here. We did a lot of relaxing, hanging out, watching football Bowl Games, playing games, taking Nate on walks and to the park, a few house projects & eating!
Some park photos . . .
nate loves the slide . . .
nate also loved the monkey bars with dad and grandma g ...
An afternoon at Town Square . . .
Nate LOVES his grandma and grandpa G. Grandparents are the absolute best! He got quite a kick out of Doreen. She sang endless songs to him, whispered stories in his ear, let him sing in her hand microphone in the car, played in the tub . . . they pretty much kept him entertained for three straight days and he LOVED it all. He laughed so much that he even came up with this new laugh that he does. It's hilarious. I'm trying to get it on video.
While Wes & Robert built us a cover for our sandbox we had some fun in our driveway, too.
Nate loves to be thrown in the air. The higher the better.
Thanks for building the sandbox cover Grandma & Grandpa Griffeth...now Abbie and Daisy can come play in a scorpion free sand zone!
We LOVED coming and miss that BOY already! What fun he is! Thanks for putting up with us!
I LOVE the pictures!
sounds like a fun new year's! grandparents really ARE the best!
Bate looks like he love the park as much as any little boy should! He is ADORABLE!
Looks like lots of fun when grandma and grandpa come to town. Santa has some competition!
I know they had a great time...they love their Nate! Just hearing my mom talk about how fun he is makes me want to see him even more!
I love when parents come. Looks like you had a great time.
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