I love new beginnings. Fresh starts. A chance to start over. Which is why I love the beginning of a new year. It gives me a chance to try again at all the things I want to do. It also gives me a time to reflect on the last year.
In 2008, these were some of the things I wanted to accomplish:
Get my entire house organized & keep it organized. Cook & Bake. Learn a little about photography & photo shop. Lose Weight. Go Green. Spend more time with my sisters. Read & Study my Scriptures. Go to the temple more often. Do more for myself. Spend more time with just Wes. Be the best mom and wife I can be.
Lets see . . .the house was completely organized at some point & I lost my "nate weight" only to gain a little back. I cooked and baked slightly more often than usual. Photography & Photoshop are staying on the list for 2009 because I didn't do anything with them. I'm green-er than I've ever been but still have a lot of room for improvement. And the scripture reading and temple attendance? Always need for improvement there. I did, however, manage to find time for me and time with just Wes. Two things that I've learned I NEED in this crazy life of mine. Overall, 2008 was GREAT.
This year, a few of the things on my "to-do" list are:
- Be more creative. I have lots of fun projects to try and lots of things to make. I just need to sit down and do it.
- Make sure we're prepared. Have a supply of food and water in my home & more money in the savings account for a rainy day.
- Read the Ensign. Inspiration from my church leaders comes in my mailbox every month in the form of a magazine and I need to be better about reading it.
- Get in shape. It's not just losing weight this year. It's getting my body back in good shape!
- Adopt the "less is more" theory. I have a lot of stuff & I am ready to minimalize it. DI here I come.
- Be a good mama. I'm learning that patience is a virtue I must develop quickly with my little BOY.
- Continue to travel . . . hopefully some place historic this year.
- To sit still. I have a real problem with this. I'm always doing something. I'm going to sit down a little more and enjoy the moment.
- Drink Water. I really struggle with this because I'd much prefer a diet coke with a lime. But water is good for the body so I'm going to add it to the diet.
- And the left-overs from 2008 include: cooking & baking, photography, photoshop, the temple, scriptures, time with sisters, stay organized.
Happy New Year!
AMEN! I like your phrasing...i'd like to........
instead of resolutions. i really don't like that word.
I hear you on patience. I definitely have room for improvement on that one.
Great post!
I'm with ya on the patience one. I so need to work on that one. I also liked your idea on "less is more" theory.
I love your lists...I am adopting a couple into my own!
I think you'll love the less is more lifestyle...I love living without so much clutter. Every year I just cut out more and more.
As for the green...great job! Maybe next year a compost bin will be on your Christmas list as well.
Sounds great! You are a busy wife and mother! You do a great job! I hope you have a great 2009! I'll be cheering you on!
That is a great post. DITO, DITO, DITO! I miss you! Hopefully we can come visit this year. Do you want to come to Houston? It's historic. =) ha ha. Nasa, right?
great goals, lindsay! i have a few of the same ones this year. can't wait to see all you do this year! BUT, i hope you take time to sit still too :)
I am with you on the being prepared and food storage! I think about that all the time! Oh, and getting a year supply of money together....that's a big one! We need to get together sometime!
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