We managed to get 3/4 of us together this weekend! Laurel P. and her new hubby Ryan came to visit Trisha's family and my family. It was fun to not only see Laurel P. but also get to spend some time getting to know Ryan, too.
On Saturday afternoon, we managed to get some girl time. Trish, Laurel & I chatted over delicious gelatto and then got manicures. The perfect girl-time activity if you ask me.
The plan was to get all 6 of us together for dinner, kid free. It almost worked. Where are Lindsay & Wes, you ask? I'm taking the picture and Wes is at home. Our babysitter never showed up and it was too late for Wes to jump in the car and drive across town with Nate so we had a yummy mexican dinner without him.
Somehow, this was Laurel's first time meeting Nate. Unfortunately he was not on his best behavior (I like to blame the top two "fangs" and a big molar that are cutting through his poor gums) but maybe next time she can see the happy Nate!
Thanks Laurel & Ryan for coming! It was GREAT to see you guys and the Waldrons.
The weekend would have been complete if this cute family would have been here, too.
But they live in NYC so that just wasn't do-able. I'm hoping this summer we can get ALL of us together. We missed ya Laurel & Brad!
Dig Nate's outfit...chillin in his bulky whities. All Ryan needs is a can of beer and it would have been a classic.
Never a dull moment there in Vegas...looks like you had a great weekend.
Just kidding by the way...I in no way meant to imply Nate, nor Ryan, look like they belong with an alcoholic beverage.
How fun!
I'M MISSING!!! How sad!!! Oh how I would have loved to have been there. That is so fun you were able to hang out with the new Plewe's. We definitely need to make something happen this summer with all of us.
P.S. no real updates, but our latest decision is that we are trying to get out of our lease and probably will move in with my parents temporarily. It's obviously not ideal, but it will save us money while we're on the job hunt. Hopefully we'll get to move back here, but who knows :(
that's nice... your college roommates all look normal.
one of mine, on the other hand, emailed me a bunch of "anti" material.
Is it possible to keep getting cuter each year after college after starting off super cute?? Seriously!
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