Tuesday, January 13, 2009

dear daddy ~

I'm really glad that you got more responsibility at work but I miss you now that you spend a few days in the California office every week. Mama is fun and all but I miss my goofy dad. I've been playing in my sandbox, going to the park, running errands & hanging out with grandma while you've been gone. I hope you're having fun sleeping in, eating out & going to movies.

Mama & I miss you. Can't wait till you get home tomorrow night.



Sammy said...

hmmmm... i am not really pleased that grandma got a shout out but aunt sam didn't.

Lauren said...

I think there's only one solution- move to California! Unless it's up north or something and then, nevermind.

Doreen Griffeth said...

I know the goofy dad misses him, too! Keep smiling! The reinforcements will be home soon!

Alisha said...

Too cute!

mrs. timberlake said...

Amen, Nate.

Addison and Mackenzie.

Julie T. said...

On the days that Wes is out of town, we need to hang out! Chris starts school on Tuesday and is going to be MIA for a long while. Why not miss our husbands/dads together!?!?