Nate turned 17 months this week so here's what my crazy little BOY has been up to . . .
He is finding his words, which is so FUN. I love to hear him repeat things you say. His latest words are hot dog, groger (grover), juice, costco, shoes, church, dirt, toot, poop & geeze. I must say geeze a lot because that's a favorite of his. My favorite is when he wakes up in the morning and he starts saying all of the words he knows to his doggy that is in his bed. He thinks talking is pretty cool.
He walks around the house saying "wooooooooow" with some serious personality. It makes me smile every time. He also puts anything on his head and says "aahh. ahh. ahh. choo!" and flings it off his head. His grandma G. taught him that.
He absolutely loves hats. But that's a post of it's own. He's got quite a few that he wears
all day.
His two favorite things in life are: binky & blanky. We're working on getting rid of the binky during the day.
He is such a climber! I turn my back for one minute and he has climbed on or is standing on something. I'm surprised we haven't had any serious injuries because he is fearless. I kept the "ring of joy" out because he walks around it and plays with it. Now, it's a jungle gym.
My once food lover has become a little picky. I think it's because he's getting so many molars at once and his gums are sensitive. We've reverted back to jars of baby food throughout the day to get him some nutrients!
He's my fearless dude. He loves to be thrown in the air. The higher the better.
He still loves to be outside. We spend a lot of time playing with rocks, dirt, in the sand box & at the park.
He hates
his socks and shoes. He'd much rather be barefoot. I don't blame him. However, he loves to wear my shoes around the house.
He's pretty much running everywhere.
He is obsessed with airplanes, motorcycles and the garbage man. When Grandma G. was here, we were outside when the garbage man came and she carried Nate around the block so he could see him over and over. He now knows the sound of the garbage man and bangs on the front door when he hears him outside of our house. We always go out and wave hello. Luckily we have a sweet garbage man who honks his horn for Nate and waves multiple times. He loves it.
He loves to make a mess. And every once in a while,
we let him..jpg)
He loves to vacuum. One day this will come in handy.
He absolutely LOVES stuffed animals. They are his all-time favorite thing. He gives them hugs & kisses all day. He also likes to feed them and give them drinks. Doggie got a gummy bear this go-around.
We are really enjoying this stage . . . the happy, the naughty, the tantrums, the smiles. All of it. Nate is such a fun little dude and we're so glad he's in our family.
{I just noticed that in almost every one of these pictures, Nate is in pajamas or some mix-matched outfit. I do dress him in clothes most of the time!}