Monday, November 7, 2011

goodbye stomach flu. hello colds.

So . . . the stomach flu left our home and we were all healthy for about a week. 

And then the boys got hit with a cold/cough/fever that made for a pleasant weekend.  Poor guys.

Nate is back to normal but Ryan is definitely not.  The hardest part is that they both act pretty normal when they’re sick.  They’d have to be strapped to a hospital bed to stop moving.  But today Ryan’s little eyes said it all.  He wasn’t feeling it.  But somehow he was still running around like a crazy man for a good part of the day until he’d just collapse in my arms.  I have yet to experience a day on the couch watching movies with a sick child. :)

ryan not feeling well (1 of 1)

He did sit with me for a few minutes to watch Grover!

nate.ryan.mama (1 of 1)

I love these boys of mine.


laurel said...

Oh that face!! Poor guy. We've had it too but are on the mend. Avery used to snuggle on the couch with me all day when she was sick - Ashton not so much :)

Laurel said...

that first picture just makes you melt. Poor lil' guy. Hope he's doing better soon. JR has had a bad cold lately too, and yet he is also Mr. Active!

The Skeehan Family said...

Oh man, you need a break!!! Poor Ryan's say it all... Poor little guy. And what is it with our kids' inability to actually ACT sick when they are??? What the heck? Hope this next week is on the up and up.

Alisha said...

Yuck...I hate sick season!

Doreen Griffeth said...

So sad! I hated having sick kids!
Mom G