Sunday, November 20, 2011

Birthday Shopping with Abbie

Abbie turned SIX last week [which is just crazy to me] so Sam and I took her on our annual birthday shopping trip last week.

This year she wanted to go clothes shopping which was really fun!  Our first stop was H&M and that ended up being our last stop for clothes because she found a dress and a skirt that she wanted.  She also found Minnie Mouse ear muffs that Nate gave her at her party.  We went to the Town Square park and enjoyed a yummy pretzel and then made one more stop at the store - Sanrio.  Abbie spied the Hello Kitty filled store on our way in so it was a must while we were there.

me and abbie at sanrio (1 of 1)

sam and abbie after shopping (1 of 1)

It was a fun few hours out with Miss Abbie.  She’s such a sweet girl and we enjoyed spending time with our niece.


laurel said...

What fun aunts!

Sammy said...

a fun time indeed. glad we made it a tradition