Tuesday, August 24, 2010

no more leche

when nate was born - he was a great nurser. and then between 2-3 months he was over it. he arched his back and just cried and cried when i tried to nurse him. the boy wanted a bottle. which turned me in to a pumping mama until i dried up a few days shy of his 6 month birthday. [my theory behind him not wanting to nurse anymore was i was starting to lose milk and the boy was hungry].

after ryan was born - the exact same thing happened. Almost down to the day.


Which means I am no longer a nursing mama. I actually enjoyed it a little more with Ryan so while I'm kinda sad that I just dried up - I know I did all I could and now I'm thouroughly enjoying being done. [pumping all day long is alot of work, especially when you don't get much in return].

So I've got a little freedom back with a price tag of formula.


Nikki, Cody, and Tessa said...

U are one dedicated Mama to pump that long. Do you want me to ship you some of my milk...I seem to have more than enough?

leigh and spencer said...

Lindsay...stick to your formula:)

Seriously, you know my story and i feel the sadness you felt, but I'm going to send you lots of coupons i got from the pediatrician.

Adam and Bri said...

i'm actually a formula momma (turns out there's no breast milk around these parts), and there are definitely some perks. for one, it lasts longer in their little tummies, and i'm convinced it's why margaret was sleeping through the night at a month.

anyway, that's my (milk) glass half-full moment of the day. :)

Doreen Griffeth said...

You did a GREAT job! I loved seeing your dedication to doing what you thought was best for them. A lot of people quit as soon as it becomes difficult! Way to hang in there! The BOYS have thrived!

Amander said...

Good for you for pumping that long. My niece has been a formula-only baby since birth, and I've really liked it because I love feeding her :)