He's not quite on-hands-and-knees-crawling . . . but he moves. He can pretty much get anywhere he wants to go with a push on his feet and some seriously strong hands. He still sits for a long period of time without moving - but as soon as he's on his back or belly . . . he's off.
I guess I can thank him for not full-on crawling quite yet to remember to make sure all small toys or objects aren't anywhere near him. But come on, bud. On-the-move at 6 months? What happened to the few months of just sitting up content-as-can-be? Okay, I'll stop comparing you to your brother who did pretty much everything late. I'm slowly learning that you're doing everything early.
Oh and while we're talking about Ryan - he cut two teeth and got over an ear infection recently! AND is maybe, just maybe, getting the hang of sleeping.
I'm loving this not-so-little boy of mine.
Too cute!!!! Watch out!
Wes never stopped moving!
He definitely makes my Sunday mornings a lot happier. I miss having him next to me for two hours straight.
Wow!!! So cute.
It won't be long before he is chasing around his big brother! There is no going back once they start moving...good luck!
you are such a good photographer yourself. The photographer I was telling you about is Marylin Kelley. She lives in Utah but will be in Vegas doing sessions the first week in November. you can go to her blog: marylinkelleyphotos.blogspot.com. she also has a bunch posted on her facebook if you want to friend her and see.
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