Saturday, August 7, 2010

a proud mama of this little boy.

I'm a proud of Nate for two reasons:


For two months now we've been pull-up free during naps and bedtime with no accidents. He wakes up with alot of liquid in that little bladder of his but he manages to keep it inside all night.


He got rid of his own binky. I know, a little pathetic we couldn't get rid of it until now [he's only had it at night since he was 18 months] but for months we've been telling Nate two things:

a). 3 year olds don't have binkys.

b). you can finally play with Woody who has been sitting up high on a shelf AND you can pick a toy when you throw it away.

He talked of throwing away his binky . . . but then followed it up with going to buy another one at the store. I didn't really believe he'd get rid of it on his own.

But then - he did.

A few days before he turned 3 he walked downstairs one morning and told Wes it was in the garbage can. The garbage man was coming that morning so Wes went and emptied the garbage can and they said a final goodbye to the blue binky.

And he hasn't asked for it since.

I guess he was ready to be a big boy.


Alyssa Griffeth said...

That's AWESOME! What a big boy! If only he could teach his cousin a thing or two about potty training...

Kiley said...

Go Nate!!! Crazy how big they are now, can't wait for his bday party tomorrow!! Hadley wont stop talking about it!