Oh, man. What a difference a year makes when it comes to a birthday party. Three year olds are a little crazy but they sure know how to have a good time. The three little girls were a little out-numbered with rambunctious boys!
Nate requested a Lightning McQueen birthday party. I love all of the Radiator Springs folks so it was kinda fun to plan. I kept it pretty simple with a few decorations, some games, food & the summer birthday classic: the swimming pool.
Nate & Hadley doing a little pre-party dancing to the Lightning McQueen song.
We played a tire toss game, pin route-66 on Lightning McQueen, and a Radiator Springs version of a cake walk.
We ate pizza, fruit & veggies.
We ate chocolate cupcakes. Nate's favorite.
This smile says it all. He was so excited it was finally his birthday. I gathered the kids in to the kitchen to sing happy birthday and he looked at me and said, "we're singing happy birthday to ME?!?!". He was thrilled.
And finally - some time in the pool. Luckily the weather has been nice this week but the water was a little chilly! Don't worry Noah - it will be warm next time you come swimming.
Nate was sooo excited after every present he opened. He has been in heaven today. He has some pretty cool friends and cousins.
And apparently you only really need 2 things at a party:
1 - a plastic slide
2 - party blowers
The kids played with these for FOREVER.
Once again - I couldn't have pulled this party off without my family. Seriously. Between helping set up, making sure pictures were taken, and clean-up. They were fabulous. Thanks guys.
Nate had a blast. He loved having all of his buddies around him all at once.
Too fun! I love all the pictures documenting his big day! Wish we could have dashed over for the big event! What fun for kids!
Wish we could have been there...Ryan looks so big in that last picture! Chilly pool water sounds so refreshing...it has been SO HOT here! I'm glad everyone had a good time.
What a fun party! It looks like everything turned out GREAT! Love the vinyl on the wall and the cute "tire" stack of donuts. Happy birthday, Nate!
I can't believe how big/old Ryan looks in that last picture!
Looks like it was Nate's dream come true - nice party planning!
Loved these pictures. What a big turn out from friends! And I am going to hop on the bandwagon of the last picture making Ryan look like such a big guy! -- maybe he is sleeping better? ? ? ? ?
As usual, it looks like you pulled off a GREAT party! What a lucky little dude. And it's so true, the little things always seem to be a hit - last year for Millie it was some party sunglasses I gave her to wear at her party! Too cute.
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