Since I missed Nate at two-and-a-half I figured I do Nate at two-and-three-quarters.
I can't believe that Nate is already so old. What a fun little boy he has turned out to be. Here's a little about Nate right now:
loves: to help around the house, help with Ryan, BOOKS, the library, to clean, do yardwork, cook, watch movies, being outside, playing any sport, his friends & family, to take a shower with his squirt guns, Lightning McQueen bike, Buzz & Woody scooter, to mow the lawn, parks, playing in water, his blanky, his binky (not for long!), his "friends" (george, puppy, piggy iggy, pluto), toys and more.
loves to eat: salad (it's his favorite), fruit, cucumbers, mac & cheese (roni), turkey sandwiches (preferably from Port of Subs), apple juice, daddy juice (root beer), pickles.
more about
nate:- He can throw quite a tantrum. He's either really happy or he's not. There's rarely an in-between.
- He's always saying "i don't like that guy" when we're out and about. I'm teaching him that we do like people.
- Asks regularly if it's Saturday. He knows daddy is home on Saturdays.
- He's detail oriented and very aware of his surroundings.
- Very picky about his clothes. It's a daily battle. I didn't think I'd have to worry about this with boys!
- Potty trained! He is doing fabulous.
- It doesn't take much for him to be excited. This is one of my favorite things about him. He finds fun and joy in just about anything.
words I'd use to describe Nate: non-stop, energetic, opinionated, quirky, happy, not-so-happy, moody, genuine, loving, excited, sensitive, physical, naughty.
Some things Nate has
said lately:
- As we were driving the other day, Nate out of the blue says to me - "mom, my dad's a good guy."
- He is very proud of his pooping. When he flushes the toilet he yells - "bye bye poopies! See you later!"
- Ryan was crying the other day and I asked Nate if he'd get him his binky for me. Nate says . . . "MOM, he doesn't need his binky. He needs YOU!"
- When Ryan is upset, Nate runs from the other room yelling . . . "it's okay Ryan, I'm coming!"
And best of all, he loves being a big brother.
Nate and his good buddy, Seth. Seth just moved to Utah & we're a little sad about it!
Nate and Hadley at the park.
I'm so glad I get to be this kids mama. He teaches me a lot and is overall a joy to be around. He sure can make me laugh!