This time it happens to be a water-saving toy for the summer. Nate LOVES water - especially running water. But once the tub is full or the plants are watered the running water comes to an end. That’s why this outdoor sink is fabulous! With the help of a few batteries – a little bit of water gets recycled over and over in this sink so he can have endless running water & then the potted plants can have a drink when he's done. The sink also comes with cups, dishes, silverware so he’s learning to do the dishes, too. He spent quite a bit of time outside tonight playing with his new toy!
It's a handy toy, too. When you're thirsty - you take a drink.
Nate was nice enough to offer some "juice" to his dad . . .
He even decided to wash his own hair in the sink.
Hooray for fun toys.
What a fun toy!!! Water is such a fun thing to play with and enjoy! I can tell he will love this chance to keep the water running!
Be glad you don't have a dog who thinks its his water bowl.........
That is a great toy! I think I might have to go find one of those!! Nate looks like he was having a lot of fun. I love that he put his head under the water!!
What a fun toy! Perfect for those Vegas summers.
So where do I find one for my backyard for the summer? He is so grown up and still so cute!
What a funny boy! I know you are glad that he loves the water...it should make the summer at the pool a lot of fun!
I'm going to look into this toy! So cute!
I'm going to find me one of those sinks! Looks like so much fun.
TELL ME WHERE TO BUY ONE OF THESE!!! I NEED it! Olivia is the same way about running water. Her baths sometimes consist of filling and draining a few times...Only when I feel like being an extra nice mom...Usually I don't put up with it. :)
That is a perfect toy! I'll have to remember that one for the future. (don't get any ideas...I still have no idea when kids are going to come along!)
Yeah I definitely need to get Mil one of those - too fun!
That thing looks like fun! We're definitely coming to play with that!!!
How fun! I just may have to get Avery one of these. When we move that is. Great pics.
You have TOTALLY sold me. My kids would LOVE this!
WHERE DID YOU GET THIS? I need it now!!! That would be the best toy every! Do tell.
HE is such a cutie
The girlies have this too... we want it... badly!
That is the COOLEST thing ever!!!! Hmmm, what reason can I give that I need to buy that?? :) I'll have to think on that one. Thanks for sharing!
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