When Wes is in town, 5:30pm - 6:30pm is my favorite time of the day. {When he's out of town, it's my least favorite time of the day.}
Right after dinner, Wes spends a quality hour of time with Mr. Nate. Sometimes I join them. Sometimes I opt to clean up after the day while the boys play outside. When I'm inside, the door is always open so I get to hear Nate giggle for an hour as he plays with his favorite person. Nate loves to play with his dad. Usually they go on a walk, a bike ride, or play some basketball. But now they've added playing with the hose/watering the plants and tennis to the list.
At 6:30, Wes gives Nate a bath and then it's back to mama for jammies, books and bedtime!
I am so glad to hear the BOYS love their together time!!! It is nice to tag team with the kids!
Thanks for the photos!
wow you seem so organized!
I am the same way....All day, I look forward to Grant finishing work. When Olivia hears him coming down the stairs, she gets SO excited! They get the mail together, take a walk, run up the driveway and play in the backyard! By the end of the day, I'm over-due for some peace and quite cleaning and cooking time. :)
Sorry I didn't get a chance to call you back this week...I'll give you a call Monday!
looks like he's pretty coordinated with that tennis racket...watch out!
waiting ever patiently for pictorials of naters and easter fun........
It is so nice to have a little break and let the dad's have some play time:) This is great weather for outside play time- love the picture of Nate with his tennis raquet.
Couldn't agree with you more!
ahhh, but i have an excuse. i have to wait for sister in law #1, stacey and sister in law #2, mimi.
see, my hands are tied. they hold the pictures.
does that mean you make gourmet meals? =)
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