First of all, the weather was p e r f e c t. No wind. Perfect temperature. It was heavenly. The best part was that we spent the afternoon & evening outside in my parent's backyard with family and friends.
We ate outside - my mom always sets a beautiful table with fresh flowers. We had my immediate family (minus the Thompsons who were in Yuma - we missed you guys), Aunt Kara & Uncle Allan, Uncle Jerry & Halene, Gerry & Marilyn Earl & the Sam/Anya Earl family (life-long family friends) over for dinner. It was great to sit and chat over yummy food.
{i handed nate a cupcake for dessert to see what he'd do with it. he looked at me like he did at his first birthday party - really, mom? i can eat this?" he only wanted the frosting this time.}
Nate had an absolute blast with Noah and Ikey Earl. They were so nice to him and totally played with him which is quite impressive for a 4 year old and a 3 year old! It pretty much looked like this all evening - Noah leading the way with Ikey & Nate right behind him. They played on the slide, in the rocks & in the tunnels until it was time for the Easter Egg Hunt.
We moved to the front yard for the egg hunt. Noah and Ike were all about finding the eggs. Nate was too, at first. Then he realized that there was candy in the eggs and he plopped down in the middle of the grass and started opening all of his eggs and eating the candy as fast as he could. It was pretty funny. My mom put a small ball in each of the boys easter buckets and they threw them in the front yard for a l o n g time. Nate loved playing with two big boys.
I think this picture pretty much sums up the day!
YAY! I love these pics.
I think you might have to replace your family pictorial with the first one.
Then, I had to enlarge because it looked like your hair was chopped sitting at the table. If you are feeling daring one of these days, I think you should do it. It looked cute!
We both have to enjoy the good weather while it lasts. I think we hit the 90s next week. YIKES!
We missed you all too.
Easter is the best, in large part b/c of the candy selection =). I love that family pic of you guys. You look great!
You have such a cute little family! You look great by the way.
Happy belated Easter! Your little Nate is such a cutie. :)
you look so good in that family photo
I'm a little jealous of your weather! I want to lay out in your parents' backyard and get the worst sunburn ever...oh the days. :)
looks like fun! HE is such a little cutie!
What a great Easter! I love the picture of your family! What a fun time to be with family and friends!
Thanks for ALL the great pictures!
It was a great Easter, wasn't it? Cute pics.
What a perfect day and I have to agree, that first picture of you guys is perfection.
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